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Cat A is also an Alpha! Chapter 52

Dear Tang (Part 1)


At the end of their walk, Shu Tang noticed a car that kept a consistent distance behind them.


Initially cautious, Shu Tang soon saw a familiar face in the reflection.


It was Old Wu.


So she walked over and tapped on the car window.


Old Wu was a bit nervous, just as he rolled down the window to explain.


Then he heard Shu Tang sneakily ask: “Old Wu, can I borrow your ID?”


Old Wu: ?


Old Wu took out his ID card.


Then he watched helplessly as Shu Tang walked over to the Founder, who had been watching from across the street, talked with him for a moment, and then they both walked into a hotel together.


Shu Tang felt the dorm was too small, definitely not enough for two people, so when she found Old Wu, she decided to go back to the hotel with the mermaid to sleep.


Borrowing an ID card, of course, meant renting a room.


Old Wu: “…”


Old Wu’s hands trembled: Do I know too much?


Old Wu took out a cigarette to take a calming puff, only to find his hands shaking even more.


Suddenly, Old Wu understood why Chen Sheng didn’t come himself and insisted on sending him—what seemed like the simplest tailing task carried such great psychological pressure.



Their second date, naturally, was at the cinema.


They bought tickets for a horror movie called “Rainy Night Terror.”


Shu Tang loved the thrill, but she never dared to watch a movie alone in the cinema. However, with the mermaid beside her, Shu Tang felt very secure, so she confidently bought a large tub of popcorn and two bottles of Coke, and went in to watch the horror film.


“Rainy Night Terror” tells the story of a malevolent deity descending upon the city, appearing on the streets during a rainy night, devouring the spirits of random passersby.


Shu Tang was scared yet thrilled, munching on popcorn while she and others in the cinema gasped together.


The mermaid seemed out of place. He watched the screen expressionlessly, for apparently no scene of massacring pollutants or the seafloor slaughter was bloodier than this.


The mermaid glanced at the excited Shu Tang.


But as he watched, the mermaid suddenly found the film’s scenes eerily familiar.


The evil deity was large and emitted a hoarse, eerie sound, dripping water as it walked.


At this moment, Shu Tang was hugging the mermaid tightly for a sense of security.


She felt a chill creeping up her back.


However, as she continued to hug, Shu Tang suddenly felt something, looked up at the mermaid and then back at the screen.


The mermaid seemed to have realized this too.


They looked at each other.


When Shu Tang turned back to the horror film, suddenly all sense of tension and thrill was gone.


She felt the chill on her back again—


Realizing it was because the mermaid found the movie too boring and was rubbing against her.


Shu Tang: “…”


Shu Tang complained, “I’m never watching a horror movie with you again.”


The mermaid hissed at her, essentially suggesting: if she liked, next time during hunting, “he” could perform for her.


Fortunately, their communication systems were not fully fluent, and Shu Tang did not understand such a “thoughtful” suggestion.


Because the horror movie’s protagonist looked too familiar, Shu Tang felt unsatisfied and very disappointed.


After the show, Shu Tang and the mermaid bought tickets to a romantic movie.


This romance film was somewhat like an abo version of “Titanic,” about an Alpha-Omega couple meeting on a ship, then encountering marine pollutants.


Shu Tang said this movie was about being in love.


Thus, the mermaid, who wasn’t very interested in movies, took it very seriously, watching with a solemn and expressionless side profile.


In the movie, the delicate omega nestled against the alpha to watch the sea together.


Naturally, the mermaid bowed his head and pulled Shu Tang’s head onto his shoulder.


Shu Tang leaned against him naturally for a while.


Thinking: He is Jack, she is Rose.


Then she suddenly realized: Wait, she’s the alpha.


So, Shu Tang sat up and told the mermaid—


He is the omega, she is the alpha.


So, he should lean on her shoulder, just as the little fish depends on others.


The mermaid thought Shu Tang was wrong, as the alpha in the movies was obviously larger than the omega. Thus, Shu Tang must be the omega.


Shu Tang and the mermaid argued for a long time.


One said: “I am the alpha.”


Another hissed.


Both were adamant about their views.


Seeing that she was about to lose the argument to a mute fish,


Shu Tang immediately pulled a trump card: in the movies, the alpha would initiate a kiss with the omega.


The mermaid was silent for a while.


Shu Tang said, “If I am the alpha, I would kiss you when the movie ends.”


The mermaid thought it might be okay to be the omega temporarily.


Shu Tang reclaimed her alpha dignity and lay back down.


She even gestured for the mermaid to rest its head on her shoulder, letting the little fish depend on her for a bit.


The mermaid was silent again for a while.


It looked down at her.


Not that it was unwilling—it was just that Shu Tang was a bit short.


So, the mermaid simply picked her up.


Its chin rested on her shoulder.


A minute later.


Shu Tang: “You’re kind of heavy.”


Five minutes later.


Shu Tang: “Can you lift your head a bit?”


She felt the mermaid behind her let out a low chuckle.


But it did not change the “big fish leaning on a person” position, only slightly lifting its chin and gently rubbing against her.


Ten minutes later.


They ended up with Shu Tang lying on the mermaid, watching the movie.


Shu Tang thought to herself: This sofa is really comfortable.


She had completely forgotten the recent quarrel about dignity.


The movie theater is an ambiguous place, dark and dim, always filled with couples doing naughty things in the shadows.


Shu Tang and the Mermaid sat in the second-to-last row. Midway through the movie, Shu Tang noticed that the Mermaid, who had been studying the screen intently, suddenly shifted his gaze away. Following his line of sight—


She saw a couple in the row ahead engaged in a passionate French kiss.


Kissing was something Shu Tang had taught, but she usually just pecked the Mermaid.


The Mermaid realized that the kissing techniques the little trickster taught were different from others.


The Mermaid’s expression began to turn odd.


Shu Tang immediately covered the Mermaid’s eyes: “Don’t look, it’s terrifying. They are eating each other.”


Mermaid: “…”


However, the Mermaid was quite tall, and Shu Tang didn’t cover her eyes completely.


Soon after, they saw the couple’s hands slowly reaching inside each other’s clothes.


They were about to do the unspeakable in public.


—So this was also part of being in love.


The monster looked down and asked, “Tang?”


Shu Tang turned around and said seriously, “This is a massage before eating someone, it keeps the meat fresh, it’s terrifying.”


The monster tilted its head, noncommittal.


Perhaps feeling watched, the couple stopped and did not continue.


Shu Tang breathed a sigh of relief.


Then, in the movie, another couple started rolling around on the bed.


Shu Tang explained: “They are practicing free fighting.”


The Mermaid was silent for a while.


After the protagonists on the screen rolled around, a hand reached out to turn off the light.


Shu Tang continued explaining: “You see, the light is off, they are starting to eat people now, so it can’t be shown, it’s too gory.”


Shu Tang didn’t hear the Mermaid’s voice and thought she had successfully fooled the fish.


Until she heard the Mermaid let out a very sexy, melodious, cold laugh.


She felt as if her back of the head was being stared into a hole, the master of deception became increasingly restless. But since she was sitting in the Mermaid’s arms, her restlessness grew even more.


It was not until the mermaid slowly shifted his gaze away that she felt the pressure on her body lift and she breathed a sigh of relief.


This strange atmosphere persisted until the movie ended and the lights came on.


The movie was a dubbed film, with a somewhat odd intonation.


Even the terms of address were peculiar.


Male protagonist: Darling!


Female protagonist: Oh, dear!


After a movie that lasted 240 minutes, they had heard “dear” countless times.


When the movie ended, Shu Tang found out her nickname was “Little Rose”. The mermaid glanced at her, moved the fin behind his ear, and tilted his head.


Suddenly, Shu Tang understood “his” meaning.


So, she tentatively asked:






Thus, Little Rose was upgraded to “Dear.”



Their lunch was at a couples’ restaurant.


There was a promotion for 520: Alphas lifting their omegas could get a 20% discount.


Shu Tang ambitiously glanced at the mermaid beside her.


Rubbing her hands together and whispering, she said, “When I lift you later, just levitate spiritually.”


The mermaid understood: this little cat wanted to cheat again.


When Shu Tang attempted to lift the mermaid.


The next second, she was the one airborne.


Because the mermaid had already extended a hand and single-handedly lifted her.


The two smoothly got the discount.


—As Shu Tang was carried into the restaurant.


Then, the whole venue paid homage to the super giant A.


Only Shu Tang sneakily advised the super giant A to keep a low profile, making sure no one discovered their A acting as O, O acting as A.


The super giant A looked down at her: “……”


Clearly, only Shu Tang felt her alpha aura was too strong and could be exposed.



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