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A Flower Blooms, A Hundred Flowers Wither Chapter 22


If Hua Yan were the type to sit and wait for death, she wouldn’t be Hua Yan.


She immediately shouted loudly, “Help! These two scoundrels are trying to kidnap me! Is there any great hero who can save this little girl?”


Her voice was clear and resonant, particularly noticeable on the bustling street.


The two men were stunned by her boldness and froze for a moment. “Wait, Holy Maiden, aren’t you afraid…”


Hua Yan deliberately pinched her voice to sound even more delicate and continued to scream, “—They even want to slander a helpless little girl!”


In Lishan City, if there was anything in abundance, it was great heroes.


Seeing that several martial artists were already approaching, the two men had no choice but to slip away.


“Miss, are you alright?”


“Miss, should we chase after those two?”


Hua Yan patted her chest, her face full of gratitude. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Thank you, great heroes! If it weren’t for you, this little girl would have been kidnapped by those two scoundrels.”


Although she was safe for now, Hua Yan still felt a headache coming on.


She could vaguely hear the distant sound of zithers and flutes. The performance by the Qiqin Tianxia was about to start, and the music would play from si to shen time (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.). The pedestrians were already gradually heading towards the venue.


Although she really wanted to listen, she had more important matters to attend to at the moment.


Hua Yan returned to her room, removed the hairpins and jewelry, tied up her long hair, changed into the simplest set of clothes, picked out some disguise ointment from her bag, and quietly slipped out.




Dangshan Sect was located at the foot of the mountain. From afar, one could see the plaque on the archway outside the mountain gate, inscribed with the three characters “Dangshan Sect” in vigorous strokes.


There was also a large temple built outside, shaded by towering trees, giving it a fresh and tranquil atmosphere. Although there were few pedestrians at this time, the incense in the stone tripod at the entrance indicated that many people usually came and went.


Hua Yan was surprised.


She had often heard Shui Se mock the Dangshan monks’ temple, but she hadn’t taken it seriously. She hadn’t expected there really to be a temple at the entrance!


The sect was surrounded by blue-gray brick walls covered with red tiles, just like their sect’s clothing colors. Hua Yan climbed over the wall using the tree branches.


As Zhao You had said, there weren’t many people.


She hid behind a tree, silently calculating the patrol times of several disciples, and then sneaked to the place Zhao You had described. In front was the main hall, followed by the disciples’ quarters, and further back was the training ground. Dangshan’s dungeon was behind a small door next to the training ground.


Zhao You had told her that because their Qingcheng Sect and Dangshan Sect were at odds, both sides had privately detained each other’s disciples. The solutions were either for the sect elders to come and claim their people or for the disciples to lead a group to raid the dungeon. As long as it wasn’t too outrageous, the elders would turn a blind eye. The latter happened far more often than the former, which was why both sides were very familiar with each other’s dungeons.


Hua Yan carefully observed the small door and thought that if Zhao You hadn’t told her, she wouldn’t have been able to find it on her own.


It was indeed very inconspicuous!


However, Hua Yan didn’t expect so many people to be practicing martial arts at Dangshan at this time. Fortunately, most of those with red headbands weren’t around.


She fretted for a while as she watched the training ground, then turned back and sneaked into the disciples’ quarters. She found an unoccupied female disciple’s room, stole a set of Dangshan female disciple’s clothes, and changed into them. She also used disguise ointment to conceal her overly distinctive features before heading out.


Even a dungeon has to have meals delivered.


By noon, the disciples at the training ground were heading in small groups to the side hall for lunch. Hua Yan blended in among them, observing Dangshan’s food as she went.


Braised pork, peeled fish, crispy fried chicken, a dish of stir-fried bamboo shoots, and a bowl of pumpkin soup—all exquisitely prepared.


She sadly realized that everywhere seemed better than their Zhengyi Sect!


Hua Yan patted her stomach, resisting the urge, and snuck to the kitchen, finding a hidden spot to wait.


She waited until her legs were numb before seeing two outer disciples load ten or so simple meals into a specially designed cart. Compared to the meals she had seen earlier, this food looked like pig slop.


Hua Yan understood immediately.


After all, the food in their Zhengyi Sect’s dungeon could probably be rejected even by pigs.


Hua Yan nonchalantly walked by.


Soon, one of the disciples clutched his stomach and said, “I, I… need to go to the latrine urgently.”


The other said, “Hurry back, don’t delay the meal delivery, or the uncle-master will be angry.”


Hua Yan had been waiting on the path to the latrine. Without internal energy, she wasn’t confident, so she used all her strength in one palm strike. The disciple instantly fainted. Hua Yan swiftly dragged him into some bushes, as if she had done it a thousand times, and administered enough sleeping powder to keep him unconscious for half a day. Then she calmly walked away.


After finishing, Hua Yan patted her hands and walked to the other disciple, nervous but excited.


The disciple was taken aback, “You are…”


Hua Yan gave a radiant smile, “Senior Brother! I’m a new junior sister. The senior brother just now had an urgent need, so he asked me to help you deliver the meals.”


“Uh, but…”


Hua Yan slowed her voice, intentionally lowering it to a mystical tone, “There’s no ‘but,’ let’s go…”


The Dangshan outer disciple seemed to be in a daze, “Oh, alright.”


The enchantment in her voice really worked!


No wonder her mother had told her that while other skills could be skimped on, this one had to be learned well!


Suppressing her excitement, Hua Yan pushed the cart and followed the outer disciple into the dungeon. The guard at the door barely glanced at them before letting them in.


Dangshan’s dungeon was far less dark and cold than the Zhengyi Sect’s dungeon, looking more like an ordinary jail. The prisoners seemed much calmer, and there were no screams or the smell of blood.


The outer disciple was responsible for delivering the meals, and Hua Yan followed behind him, looking into each cell.


They walked to the end of the corridor, but she didn’t see the familiar face she was looking for.


Hua Yan breathed a sigh of relief. So it was indeed false information. She had thought, how could it possibly be…


Just as she was thinking this, the outer disciple turned and descended to a deeper level underground.


Hua Yan then realized there was a black dungeon below.


Unlike the cells above which were separated by iron bars, this black dungeon was completely sealed, leaving only a small iron-covered opening.


The outer disciple opened the iron flap, pushed the meal inside, and quickly closed it, as if someone were chasing to bite his hand.


Immediately, a voice came from within.


The voice was lazy, as if the speaker had just woken up. There was an indescribable casualness and leisure in his tone, as if the dungeon was his home: “Is this how Dangshan treats its guests? What good does it do to starve me for Ling Tianxiao?”


Though the voice wasn’t loud, it struck Hua Yan like a bolt from the blue.


This is bad!


The Zhengyi Sect is in danger!


This unlucky fellow really seemed to be their leader, Xie Yingxian!


After building up her courage for a while, she stepped forward and lifted the iron flap, peering inside through the dim light.


Amid the straw, a young man was sitting. He leaned against the wall, lazily as if he had no bones. On closer inspection, his wrists and ankles were shackled with iron rings connected by chains, fixed to the wall.


“…Uh, Leader?”


The young man opened his eyes at the sound, squinting slightly as if unaccustomed to the light after a period of darkness. Then he smiled and said, “Surprised?”


Hua Yan: “…”


It was indeed him!


Confirming his identity made Hua Yan even more troubled.


Although she longed to be part of the righteous faction, the place she had grown up in was about to be renamed Yu Ye Sect. Hua Yan felt a sense of impending homelessness. She had thought that as long as Xie Yingxian could handle things, she could return anytime.


Hua Yan sighed deeply.


Xie Yingxian seemed to be in a much better mood than her, even smiling. “Why are you sighing out there? Want to come in and sit for a while?”


Hua Yan curiously asked, “…How do I get in?”


Xie Yingxian replied, “You came in with the disciple delivering meals, right? Let him leave first.”


Hua Yan used her mesmerizing voice to coax the outer disciple to leave. Once he was far enough away, she slowly turned back, and heard two clicks as the door to Xie Yingxian’s black cell opened.


Hua Yan: “??? You can open this door?”


Xie Yingxian replied matter-of-factly, “Of course I can.”


Hua Yan’s confusion only deepened: “?????? Then why didn’t you escape!”


Xie Yingxian’s response was equally matter-of-fact, “Obviously, I have business to attend to.”


Alright then.


Hua Yan opened the door and carefully inspected the cell. She glanced at the pig slop on the table and realized that their leader had truly been enduring hardships during this time. She felt a bit guilty, considering she had been living comfortably, enjoying good food and drink with Lu Chengsha every day.


Xie Yingxian asked, “Do you have any wine?”


Hua Yan answered honestly, “…I didn’t bring any.”


Xie Yingxian raised an eyebrow, his tone finally showing a hint of dissatisfaction, “You came to see me and didn’t bring wine?”


Hua Yan protested, “Who knew you’d really be here!” She rummaged through her belongings and found a half-eaten pack of crispy sugar candy from her journey. “…Do you want crispy sugar candy?”


Xie Yingxian gave it a disdainful glance but said, “Hand it over.”


As the light streamed in, Xie Yingxian’s features became more distinct.


His mother, the former leader’s wife Hu Ji, had exotic features, which gave Xie Yingxian a somewhat foreign look. His eyes were slightly lighter in color, with long, narrow slits. When his eyes were slightly upturned, they appeared sharp and unfeeling, like those of a cunning fox turned spirit. His handsome face had a hint of otherworldly charm. If he were to give a devilish smile, he would perfectly fit the image of a demonic sect leader.


Unfortunately, his inherently lazy demeanor spoiled the effect. He usually kept his hair loosely tied, his robe untied properly. Now, with his long hair disheveled, clothes in disarray, and lips pale, his handsome and bewitching aura was completely absent. He looked more like a laid-back and destitute rich kid.


This was how Hua Yan had always known him.


The former leader’s wife had to chase him around to practice martial arts. Of course, Xie Yingxian had extraordinary talent and could train effectively even while lying down, but that’s another story.


Taking the crispy sugar candy, he tossed a piece into his mouth and lazily leaned back, causing the chains to rattle. Pointing to the shackles, he remarked, “The righteous path is really boring. What’s the point of shackling hands and feet? If it were me, I’d drug them first, then sever the tendons in their hands and feet, and pierce their shoulder blades…”


Hua Yan didn’t like this talk.


She knocked on the wall, “Don’t act like you’re ungrateful! You still haven’t told me how you got caught!”


Xie Yingxian, not fond of sweets, chewed on the sugary candy, his expression slightly twisted. He sighed and said, “What else? A traitor betrayed me.”


Hua Yan was shocked.


Could it be Yu Ye?


She quickly composed herself and gave a brief account of Yu Ye’s betrayal, omitting some of the heavier details.


Xie Yingxian listened and nodded, understanding the situation. “So you took the opportunity to run away.”


Hua Yan said, “…Why do you seem not surprised at all!”


Xie Yingxian replied, “Should I be very surprised? …Well, to be honest, I had already suspected him for a while, so I wasn’t completely unprepared.”


“Then why…” Did you still get caught!


Wait, Hua Yan suddenly realized and raised an eyebrow, “Then why didn’t you tell me earlier!”


Xie Yingxian gave her a sidelong glance and said, “Would you have believed me if I did? Honestly, he was indeed quite good to you.”


Hua Yan said with a blank expression, “He was involved with Shui Se.”


Xie Yingxian was uncharacteristically speechless for a moment. Then he said, “…I’m sorry, I really didn’t know that.”



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