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Cat A is also an Alpha! Chapter 17

Cat Strike! (Part 2)


In the rainy depths of the night, a towering dark figure seemed to truly transform into a nightmarish butcher.


Along the way, his near-uncontrollable psychic power had become extremely unstable. His dark eyes were filled with gloom, uncontrollable irritability, and a tremendous desire for destruction, turning every place he passed into ruins.


The mermaid at this moment was drastically different from the one Shu Tang had met. Walking in the darkness, the mermaid had completely turned into a ferocious monster.


Driven by instinct, the monster returned to its lair, but just before reaching it, a psychic explosion began.


The gloomy forbidden zone’s basement had almost turned into ruins.


Sharp neural pain caused the monster to emit an inhuman scream, its fin-like ears stood erect, and its body was bulging with veins.


The last bit of consciousness also disappeared, and in the deep-sea monster’s mind, there was only a terrifying desire to destroy, driven by sharp neural pain to find an outlet for release.


Correspondingly, the mermaid’s massive psychic body, almost covering the entire sanatorium above, was no longer serene and beautiful but became twisted and chaotic.


The magnetic field within the range of the psychic body became chaotic and violent, and the closer one got to the massive psychic body, the more terrifying the aura felt. The range enveloped by the psychic body seemed to have turned into an extremely dangerous slaughterhouse—


Anything that stepped into it would be immediately crushed to pieces.


Indeed, this was the case. Many instruments were crushed into pieces, wires burst under the strain, and some unstable walls began to shake under the pressure.


This scene was hard to imagine, almost making one believe that this was not a “psychic body,” but some kind of demon god that had stepped out of a ghost story.


His psychic body in mid-air was frantically devouring everything around, now twisted and evil, like some terrible monster glaring ferociously at the whole world.


In the darkness, a drumstick jumped onto the window.


Soon, a slight rustle caught the attention of the enormous entity, and the ghastly, massive spirit fiercely turned its gaze toward Shu Tang, a mountain-like pressure bearing down like never before.


Under the spirit’s gaze, the oppressive feeling doubled, epitomizing the jungle law of survival of the fittest in this form.


The orange chicken leg immediately stiffened in place, its ears turning into airplane ears.


But, fortunately—


If the spirits of other alphas were mere ants, then Shu Tang’s drumstick was just a tiny ant.


The aerial, monster-like spirit had difficulty making out the too-small Shu Tang.


Thus, the intensely oppressive and terrifying gaze moved away.


Only then did Shu Tang feel that her spirit could move.


She quietly peeked out, but immediately, like a crab on the beach seeing a gigantic whale for the first time, she held her breath.


The scene was too stunning.


Shu Tang had never seen such a large spirit before, so massive it blocked out the sun, making one feel incredibly insignificant at a glance. Yet, knowing the enormous danger and chaotic, violent nature of this entity, it still took one’s breath away with its grandeur.


At that moment, the enormous spirit outside seemed to have entered a dormant state.


The air around became quiet.


But this quietness did not bring a sense of security; rather, it was like the calm, deep black surface of the sea, brewing a disastrous tsunami.


It gave a foreboding sense of an impending storm.


Shu Tang’s spirit nervously shifted in place—


She should have turned around and fled while unnoticed, but for some reason, Shu Tang didn’t leave.


That huge spirit held a powerful attraction for her, making her turn around on the spot, reluctant to part.


Even though spirits lack a sense of smell, Shu Tang seemed to catch a familiar scent, her spirit beginning to float as if stepping on clouds.


Deep inside, a voice seemed to urge her to move forward, to approach the giant.


By the time Shu Tang realized what was happening, her spirit had uncontrollably taken a few steps forward.


In that moment, Shu Tang suddenly realized something: it was the spirit of a mermaid.


—There was no other scent in the world that could strike her like this, making her uncontrollably want to draw closer.


The drumstick turned around in circles, hesitating for a moment.


Shu Tang suddenly remembered what Chen Sheng had said, and she suddenly realized what he meant by the dangerous situation:


She thought the mermaid was just a common outbreak of psychic energy, but it clearly exceeded her imagination.


—The fact that the mermaid’s psychic entity was a hundred times larger than her was shocking to Shu Tang.


It was like pulling a fish tail out of the river, only to be shocked to find that she had pulled out a 180-ton blue whale.


Such a huge fish!


Big Drumstick spun in place and, after hesitating for a bit, stretched out its four legs flexibly, displaying the agility of a feline, and stealthily approached the big guy while sticking close to the wall.


Actually, when Shu Tang realized that this big guy was the Blue Rose she knew, her fear inexplicably vanished. Shu Tang’s anxiety and fear were selective; if she didn’t know the other party, she would have turned tail and run in fright; but discovering it was an acquaintance (fish), she felt much more at ease.


Now the entire sanatorium was empty, leaving only Shu Tang, the therapist. And the mermaid’s current state was clearly undergoing a severe psychic outburst, a very urgent situation. Even as just an intern, Shu Tang had no choice but to brace herself.


Shu Tang decided to try and soothe the mermaid’s psychic entity.


She carefully approached the other’s psychic entity, being small enough not to be noticed or spotted by the big creature.


But Shu Tang was still very nervous.


However, it wasn’t fear — it was the nervousness of treating someone’s psychic entity for the first time.


In school, third-year students could only stand by and listen to instructors explain and watch others operate; once in the hospital, interns could only stand behind their chief doctors to observe.


Shu Tang’s situation was like an intern who had taken three years of online classes now having to perform surgery, you can imagine how she felt.


She was very afraid of mishandling and damaging the mermaid’s psychic entity.


But then Shu Tang thought:


The big creature was so large, even if she tried hard, it was unlikely that she could cause it any harm, right?


Shu Tang completely relaxed, sat down next to the massive creature with a big drumstick, placed her paw on the mermaid’s psychic entity, and started to emit psychic energy waves at a fixed frequency.


At first, Shu Tang’s actions were clumsy, as you can’t expect much professionalism from an intern who had taken three years of online classes.


But Shu Tang’s internship was useful; she slowly got the hang of it.


However, as Shu Tang’s work progressed, new difficulties emerged —


Not the agitated particles floating in the air;


Nor the terrifying pressure brought by the proximity to the large psychic entity.


But because the other party was too fragrant.


While working, she had to resist her occasional evil cravings with great willpower.


In front of such a terrifying, on-the-verge-of-exploding colossal entity, Shu Tang couldn’t help but get distracted.


Big Chicken Leg: So fragrant! Take a sniff!


Big Chicken Leg: So fragrant! I really want a bite!


Spiritual entities and humans are different; spiritual beings are more influenced by their instincts.


For example, after Shu Tang exposed her big chicken leg, she often couldn’t resist parkour in the middle of the night or the urge to dive into cardboard boxes.


Often before she herself realized, the spiritual entity had uncontrollably acted on its own.


This time was no different.


Thus, by the time Shu Tang realized it, her big chicken leg spirit had already succumbed to its evil desires and stealthily bitten another spiritual entity.


Spiritual entities don’t have taste, but Shu Tang felt a warm glow throughout her body after eating, as if enveloped in warm seawater. It was like lying in the warm shallow waters of Sanya’s beach.


The sensation was incredibly addictive.


Thus, after realizing the morally corrupt act she had committed, she sneaked around feeling paralyzed.


At this moment, Shu Tang’s innate fear of danger vanished, replaced by a surge of regret.


—How could she steal from a patient?


Fortunately, her deed went unnoticed.


She cautiously looked up at the giant creature; it was emitting an anxious and violent aura and hadn’t noticed the big chicken leg stealthily bitting.


Shu Tang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a bit guilty and more conscientious at work.


However, Shu Tang soon discovered that the small gap left by her spiritual entity’s bite was rapidly growing, soon doubling in size.


It’s well-known that spiritual entities’ sizes are fixed after adulthood and might not grow at all in a lifetime; however, the mermaid’s spirit was visibly growing at an alarming rate.


Faced with this nonsensical phenomenon, scholars like Director Qiu would fervently research it; ordinary people would feel a fear of the unknown, realizing this was an unprecedented monster.


Shu Tang fell into deep thought, a wicked idea creeping into her mind.


Wouldn’t it be safe to just sneak a tiny bite without being caught?


Thus, the situation slowly evolved into Shu Tang tirelessly working, internally scolding herself, while being driven by the big chicken leg’s instincts to steal from patients.


Shu Tang did not realize that the mermaid’s raging spiritual entity was incredibly terrifying—


Ordinary alphas dare not approach such a massive entity, because spiritual entities can devour each other.


Such a colossal spiritual entity is almost a dominating presence in this world.


Upon witnessing such a suffocating and terrifying entity, every alpha has only one thought in their minds: run!


Getting close to this spiritual entity makes it easy to be frantically devoured.


However, Shu Tang even unconsciously “ate” a couple of bites.


Her spiritual entity was not at all afraid of this nearly ferocious entity. In fact, she liked its scent and enjoyed getting closer and cuddling up to it.


As long as she was close to this terrifying colossus, it felt as though she was soaking in a warm ocean.


Thus, she unknowingly leaned on this extremely unstable and restless spiritual entity, and fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.



The torrential downpour gradually came to a stop.


The tiny orange spiritual entity curled up next to the colossus, emitting warm and gentle vibrations, oblivious to the danger of its proximity.


Since awakening three months ago, the mermaid’s spiritual entity had been expanding at a terrifying rate. Even now, as the spiritual power surged and the entity became distorted and unstable, it continued to grow at a fearsome pace.


This also meant that even if the colossal entity was unaware of her presence, as long as it kept growing, it would naturally devour everything close to it.


In her sleep, Shu Tang’s spiritual entity was swallowed by the mermaid’s massive one.


It was actually very dangerous now. If Shu Tang chose to resist, she would immediately be devoured by the agitated colossus; just like a drowning person, the more she struggled, the quicker she would die.


However, at this moment, Shu Tang was dreaming.


She dreamed that she was on a beach holiday, lying on the soft sandy beach and basking in the sun.


Suddenly, the sea seemed to rise and the tide came in.


The alarm deeply ingrained in her brain blared: Get up! Get up!


In her dream, Shu Tang thought it was Director Zhou calling her back to work.


Ever since she started her internship, Shu Tang had to work night shifts every other day. Even when she wasn’t on a night shift, she was called back to the emergency department at 7 a.m., working harder than an ox and sleeping later than a dog.


Shu Tang, on vacation, rolled over and went back to sleep:


“Work, work, what work! She was going to slack off!”


Thus, inadvertently—


One spirit was restless and aggressive, stimulated by the slightest rustle to a frenzy, instinctively devouring everything;


Another spirit lay still as a salted fish, quiet as a stiff corpse.


On a silent rainy night, a huge, monstrous spirit crushed and devoured everything nearby.


Shu Tang, unable to resist and lucky to be ignored due to her perfectly flattened posture, survived.



At that time, the dark basement had become a ruin.


In the corner, leaning on the ruins, the mermaid was tense, eyes tightly shut. Like the restless spirits above the sanatorium, its pale fingers were veined, a sharp buzzing causing intense tinnitus, its restless aura making it seem like a large ferocious monster on the verge of exploding into violence.


Had Shu Tang chosen to go to the basement and directly encounter such a mermaid from the start, it likely would have been uncontrollable, a ferocious monster lost to its destructive desires.


“Its” mind was blurred, as if wandering in an endless dark wilderness, enduring a painful, long journey, constantly on the verge of being devoured by a terrifying surge of psychic energy.


However, unbeknownst to when it started, the ferocious monster amidst its frenzied mood and destructive desires—


Suddenly felt a tiny thing brush against “it”.


Very light, very small.


At that time, the anxious monster in the night didn’t notice this slight change.


So the tiny thing became bolder, moving even closer.


Being so small, the monster did not notice this little cat’s approach.


Thus, the kitten grew bolder and more audacious, a small orange spirit emitting warm, gentle fluctuations, tirelessly and stealthily approaching “it”.


Gradually, the throbbing nerve pain was alleviated, and the sharp buzzing noise seemed to diminish somewhat.


In the dark basement.


Slowly, the tense mermaid relaxed, the bulging veins no longer so frightening, like a monster being gradually soothed.


The monster that kept trudging in the dark, restlessly colliding against invisible barriers, finally stopped its strong, self-destructive impulses.


Unconsciously, the monster moved closer to the small bundle, enveloping her within.



Shu Tang had not slept for very long; she vaguely remembered that she had something to do, so she woke up just before 3 AM.


Shu Tang got quite a scare upon waking—


She discovered that, at some unknown point, her spirit had been “swallowed” into the spirit of a mermaid.


Initially, Shu Tang was indeed very frightened and anxious.


However, since spirits do not need to breathe and are merely clusters of light in different colors, she felt neither suffocation nor any discomfort.


Shu Tang, having been “eaten,” took a moment to assess her feelings and found it rather comfortable.


—It was somewhat like being lifted up, floating amidst a mass of seawater.


Shu Tang turned her head to look; the wild creature seemed to have fallen asleep, utterly quiet.


Shu Tang was akin to an intern who had taken three years of online courses; at this moment, she was also unsure whether the mermaid’s mental power outbreak had ended.


Thus, Shu Tang cautiously extended her paw and poked at “his” massive mental form; the creature did not react at all.


Shu Tang then began to dog-paddle “swim” inside “his” mental form, and still, the creature showed no response;


Then, the big chicken leg started rolling around inside the mermaid’s mental form, stretching lazily and chasing its tail in circles.


After having her fill of play, she shifted slightly, struggling to climb out of the other’s mental form.


The big chicken leg shook its head, stretched its limbs, and leapt down with agility that belied its plump appearance.


Using the mental form, she could roughly determine the mermaid’s location, so she decided to use the mental form to search for where the mermaid’s physical body might be.


However, upon returning to the building, Shu Tang was startled.


When she had arrived earlier, the abandoned restricted area building, though somewhat dilapidated, was still intact. But now, it seemed as if it had endured a major earthquake; everything was topsy-turvy, and all the windows had fallen askew.


The big chicken leg swiftly searched inside, and after confirming that the mermaid was probably in the basement, Shu Tang retracted her mental form.


Shu Tang opened her eyes.


Fortunately, the hall she was in was still relatively sturdy. After releasing her mental form, Shu Tang leaned against a corner and was unharmed.


So, she dusted herself off, and using the light from her communicator, got up and headed towards the basement.


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