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Cat A is also an Alpha! Chapter 40

The Feverish Kitty (Part 2)


In the afternoon, the South Island base detected Class A pollutants.


Among the four categories of pollutants—A, B, C, and D—Class A is the highest known level, capable of parasitizing and polluting humans. At the onset of contamination, Class A pollutants could even destroy a small city.


Even hundreds of years later, in modern times, Class A pollutants still pose a significant threat.


This was the first time since its establishment that the South Island base encountered such a severe incident involving 7-8 Class A pollutants.


The safe zone quickly went into alert mode. The South Island base dispatched several fighters and submarines, preparing to enter the new contaminated area for eradication. However, before the operation began, satellites detected that those Class A pollutants had disappeared.


When Chen Sheng received the news, he remembered that Shu Tang had mentioned going to that power station, right in the center of the danger zone. He immediately understood what had happened.


Thus, Zone 01 convened another secret meeting.


At the meeting, Director Qiu began to analyze this occurrence of the pollutant nest as a sample, using it to infer the combat capabilities of subject 001.


Previously, although most researchers supported Director Qiu’s “evolution theory,” without data and experiments, even Director Qiu’s deductions were merely “speculations.”


However, today, this speculation was confirmed.


“In some sense, the combat capabilities of 001 need to be reassessed by us.”


This time, 001 destroyed 8 pollutants, not as a limit, but because there were only 8 in that nest.


Having once been a member of the Founding Secretary Group, Chen Sheng was the clearest about all the changes here.


Ten years ago, the highest record for a founder alone was destroying three Class A pollutants. At that time, this was already considered top human combat capability, known as “human nuclear weapons”—not as a term of excessive praise, but as a realistic description.


But ten years later, this evolution seemed to have become even more rapid and beyond imagination.



After the meeting ended, an unprecedented excitement filled his chest. As he walked, Chen Sheng whispered to his adjutant, “This matter will become our bargaining chip to gain support for the Founder.”


In the months following the Founder’s awakening, small actions within the Federation continued. The previous intervention by the commander of the South Island base was a minor reflection of the internal strife within the Federation.


The adjutant agreed, “No matter what, the Federation must be credited. If we can gain full support from the Research Institute, the Founder will surely receive better treatment resources and opportunities.”


Chen Sheng fell silent for a moment: “If the Founder ever wakes up, we must not let him be put in a passive position under any circumstances.”


In the early hours, a torrential rain descended on South Island City again.


The entire city was enveloped in a curtain of rain.


In the duty room of Zone 01, Chen Sheng had just finished a call with the commander of the South Island base.


Suddenly, a profound sense of crisis made the battle-hardened alpha turn around abruptly, looking out the window alertly.


The moment he saw that familiar face, Chen Sheng was stunned.


It was not the first time Chen Sheng had seen the Founder leave the forbidden area.


But in the past instances, “his” dark eyes swept over everyone, as if they were no different from windows or stones. Then, holding that blue umbrella, he would silently and slowly walk towards the outside of the forbidden area.


—The reason he did not attack was probably merely because he did not regard them as worthy of attention.


However, although he had stepped out, the mermaid still exhibited a strong repulsion and resistance towards the outside world. Even the last time Shu Tang mentioned “going for a walk,” it was the same.


In Chen Sheng’s understanding, “he” never communicated with anyone other than Shu Tang, not even with any exchange of glances or body language.


This was also one of the sources of fear for the Federation, the Research Institute, and everyone here.


If it were a greedy dragon, people would only need to offer treasures;


If it were a tyrannical murderer, people would simply need to destroy him by any means necessary;


But this was a creature that could not communicate or interact, filled with hostility towards the outside world, and it was “evolving.” When people looked up at that immense creature, it was almost like seeing a malevolent deity.


“He” had done nothing, yet people were deeply fearful of that vast unknown.


Now, amidst the rain, the door was pushed open, and that reclusive monster tightly embraced the girl in his arms.


The monster was soaked with rain, but the person in his arms was tightly shielded by the umbrella.


This was the first time the monster had voluntarily stepped out of his secluded, closed-off world, turning towards that face that appeared in his distant, vaguely familiar memories, and uttered a hoarse, raspy sound.


Although it was a fierce threat, beneath the facade of this threat was a sort of “exchange” or “plea.”


The silent, taciturn leader from ten years ago and the monster in the rain almost coincided.


When the cool rain hit his cheeks, Chen Sheng finally came back to his senses.


In that moment, Chen Sheng almost thought the Founder had recognized him, his eyes becoming slightly warm.


He forced himself to calm down.


He immediately made a phone call to get the doctor over.


While waiting, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but tentatively called out, “Great Chief?”


The creature showed no reaction.


It just clutched the girl’s hand in its arms, staring at her unblinkingly.



Her mind was still foggy, but she faintly sensed that the mermaid had brought her back to the fortress. She knew of the mermaid’s nervousness and anxiety when wrapping her in blankets proved futile.


She wanted to embrace him, to tell him she was alright, but since she hadn’t awakened, she could only subconsciously grasp the mermaid’s hand. Perhaps her faint movements were comforting to the monster.


“He” quickly carried her away, and Shu Tang didn’t know where the mermaid had taken her, only that she leaned against him the entire time.


Shu Tang groggily woke up, feeling herself on a hospital bed, dry and warm, surrounded by the smells of air conditioning and disinfectant.


She could faintly hear the mermaid’s heavy breathing, and occasionally his wheezing.


The mermaid detested the outside world. Even though he had grown accustomed to the sound of radio static, the air conditioning’s airflow and the chaotic scents floating in the air still failed to comfort this deep-sea monster.


However, the unfamiliar environment and the feverish Shu Tang heightened the creature’s alertness to its peak.


In that sudden flash of memory, the mermaid had seen Chen Sheng.


Because of the familiar face, upon discovering Shu Tang’s persistent fever, the creature chose to seek out Chen Sheng.


But still, it was extremely cautious.


Like a dragon guarding its only gem, it showed intense aggression towards anyone who approached its treasure.


“He” distrusted everything outside, fearing any slight disturbance would kill the kitten in his arms.


This deep-sea creature fiercely watched anyone who tried to approach her, with just its dark gaze enough to completely deter those strangers.


Until a medical staff member shakily spoke up, telling the creature:


“This…this is a necessary examination procedure, we need to take her temperature, otherwise it won’t, won’t go down…”


“Otherwise, the fever could cause delirium…”


Everyone thought this was in vain.


Even Chen Sheng thought this first attempt at “active communication” was going to fail.


But then one second, two seconds, three seconds passed.


That terrifying creature seemed to understand.


“He” glanced at the kitten in his arms, his pale lips tightly pressed, his flaring fins slowly retracting.


This was a sign of “negotiation.”


The creature still stayed right beside her, but forcefully suppressed its instincts, not attacking when the doctor approached.


Indeed, Shu Tang had a fever, reaching 39°C, warranting a fever-reducing injection.


However, as the doctor was disinfecting, the creature saw the sharp metal in the doctor’s hand.


In an instant, a strong sense of distrust and crisis made the creature immediately raise the fins behind its ears.


But at that moment, Shu Tang opened her eyes, and she reached out to grasp the mermaid’s hand, cold as ice.


Because she woke up, the strong aggressiveness of the mermaid immediately disappeared.


Thus, the mermaid bowed its head, leaned toward her, and made a somewhat hoarse hissing sound.


Shu Tang knew that the mermaid hated the outside world.


Due to its keen sense of smell, it detested unfamiliar scents; because of its excellent hearing, the noisy voices and even the frequent sound of air conditioning could stimulate the nerves of this fierce monster. To “him,” the outside world was bizarre and chaotic.


Listening to the rain outside, she turned her head, her eyes feverishly flushed, blankly staring at the mermaid, water still dripping from his hair.


Just like how he used to gaze at her intently.


As if unable to divert his eyes, like a magnet.


In a corner of her heart, uncontrollably began to crumble.



She couldn’t pinpoint when it started or how it intensified.


Perhaps it was because she ate too much of his fish.


Her fondness grew day by day.



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