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Cat A is also an Alpha! Chapter 42

The Kitten's Request


Shu Tang’s cold had almost cleared up the day after she returned to the restricted area.


Upon waking, the weather outside was particularly gloomy, likely due to a shortage of food supplies, prompting the mermaid to go hunting in the sea early in the morning.


Shu Tang made herself a cold remedy in the kitchen when she suddenly remembered something—


They had gone to the power station that day to start the power supply, but Shu Tang was not sure if she had succeeded.


So, Shu Tang took a flashlight and went down to the basement to check the circuit breaker.


In the dark, Shu Tang found a switch and pulled it down.


Perhaps because it hadn’t been turned on for many years, Shu Tang waited for a full half minute before lights finally came on.


Because the windows of the Bastille are rather narrow, the entire fortress seems very gloomy on rainy days.


However, at this moment, the entire restricted area seemed as if it had been awakened, with lights turning on layer by layer.


Shu Tang had always thought there were no light fixtures here, but once the power was on, bright lights cascaded from the stone ceiling above, significantly reducing the eerie feeling of the stone building, and adding a sense of understated luxury.


As she admired this, she went upstairs to check the other appliances.


The shower in the bathroom now had hot water;


The refrigerator was still working, although it needed some simple cleaning;


The kitchen sockets were also powered now.


Shu Tang installed the rice cooker and induction cooker.



By the time the mermaid returned with the day’s catch and some firewood, the Bastille had undergone a major transformation.


The mermaid stood at the doorway, watching Shu Tang turn around under the light, skillfully installing and turning on the appliances, making the place unfamiliar and bright, almost unlike the dark lair of a monster.


The monster belatedly realized—


In fact, compared to her previous way of life, Shu Tang was probably more accustomed to these modern conveniences.


The firewood brought back by the mermaid in the heavy rain was set aside, as the smell of porridge cooking was already emanating from within; this bundle of firewood might not be of much use now.


The mermaid remained silent for a while.


His pale lips tightly closed.


A bit sulky.


But this time, the sulkiness was directed at himself.


This feverish experience of Shu Tang made the mermaid realize that he might have made a mistake.


“He” could survive well in this primeval jungle. His robust physique meant he wouldn’t catch colds or get sick; his powerful hunting skills allowed him to be completely self-sufficient.


However, even because he was too powerful, the presence of this creature only threatened people outside, and they could not pose a threat to him.


But Shu Tang couldn’t manage. She had a fever and without a doctor, she would die. If it weren’t for Chen Sheng’s help, perhaps this creature wouldn’t even know where to find a doctor or where to buy medicine.


The mermaid hid his emotions well, so Shu Tang didn’t notice anything unusual.


She observed that the mermaid seemed to have no aversion to the electrical appliances.


So, she began to teach the mermaid how to use these appliances.


“Little Rose, the bottom part of this fridge is for freezing, and the top is for cooling. Just pull out the drawer and you can put the fish inside,” she explained.


Following Shu Tang’s instructions, the mermaid pulled open the drawer: it was his first time touching such a plastic board, and with a crack, it broke.


The mermaid was momentarily stunned.


Strangely, Shu Tang found the tall mermaid looking puzzled somewhat cute.


But she immediately said, “I broke it the first time I used it too!”


She pushed the drawer back in and nonchalantly continued to teach the mermaid how to use the rice cooker.


The mermaid looked at his large hands and silently listened.


Shu Tang was a bit worried that the mermaid might develop an aversion to these appliances, which have various buttons and could break easily, so she only taught him how to use the rice cooker before stopping.


She thought: As long as she was at home, it was enough for her to know how to use it.


After all, from what Shu Tang had observed over the days, except for the radio, the mermaid wasn’t very interested in any of the new objects from the outside world.


However, at lunch that day, the mermaid did something very unexpected.


While they were eating lunch, the mermaid changed the weather forecast for the first time.


Shu Tang was writing her exam paper under the bright light, and when she realized that the background music had changed to the sound of a news channel, she was stunned.


Shu Tang: Shocked, the fish isn’t listening to the weather forecast anymore!


Perhaps her look of surprise was too evident, the mermaid quieted down for a while, then nonchalantly went back to cutting fish.


He was actually listening to her movements all along.


Shu Tang waited a while, realizing the mermaid didn’t switch back.


First, she was stunned, then she began to feel surprised.


All along, Shu Tang had tried using the radio and talking about the outside world to spark the mermaid’s curiosity and desire to explore the human world.


But it wasn’t very effective, the mermaid wasn’t much interested in the outside world.


This led Shu Tang to always think that this fish was somewhat reclusive. But she couldn’t tell others her worries, even Chen Sheng she dared not say. Because telling others would make the opposition between the forbidden area and the outside world more severe.


So when Shu Tang discovered that the mermaid had begun to take an interest in the world outside, it was as if a person who had been watering and waiting for the flowers to bloom finally saw a tiny bud.


This joy made her eyes light up.


Shu Tang rushed into the kitchen, circling around the mermaid, “Little Rose, why are you suddenly interested in the news?”


The mermaid remained silent for a while, not answering her question, but instead lifted her up onto the cabinet.



Shu Tang sensed the mermaid’s wavering attitude towards the outside world, so she decided to strike while the iron was hot. She sent a request to Chen Sheng for a television.


Chen Sheng was very quick, and by the next morning, the TV was delivered via the elevator.


When Shu Tang set up and turned on the TV, the mermaid showed no signs of rejection.


Even when Shu Tang explained how to use the TV, the mermaid listened very attentively.


When a TV drama full of life was on, the mermaid tilted his head, signaling her to stop.


From weather forecasts to sitcoms—Shu Tang found the mermaid’s interests a bit elusive.


The mermaid watched very intently.


But Shu Tang didn’t realize that it was more observation than watching.


The mermaid was observing how people in the TV show lived.


The creature wanted to learn more about how to use appliances so it wouldn’t appear clumsy in front of her;


It also wanted to learn how to register and see a doctor so it could help when she was sick without asking others for help;


It even wanted to understand every word she said.



This fierce creature was carefully learning how to care for a kitten;


It wanted to appear better and more reliable in front of her.


After returning from the hospital, the creature had been sulking by itself, already expressionless, it looked even more gloomy.


Until the mermaid watching the TV drama—


Suddenly noticed Shu Tang’s gaze.


The mermaid thought that since Shu Tang liked the radio, she would naturally like TV dramas even more.


But she didn’t.


She was staring at the mermaid’s profile.


Before, Shu Tang had discovered that she instinctively liked being with the mermaid.


Shu Tang liked the beautiful fishtail, the beach and the sea breeze, and the lazy days when she didn’t have to work.


But it seemed like liking was contagious.


Like the poles of a magnet, she found herself unable to stop sneaking glances at the mermaid.


From the tight jawline to the long, drooping eyelashes that seemed slightly sinister.


It took a while for Shu Tang to be brought back to reality by the sound of rain outside.


She left the TV on for the mermaid to watch while she sat on the sofa reading her book.


Because the exams were fast approaching, she had to muster her energy and focus. Shu Tang had devised a strict plan to pass on her first attempt.


She could feel joy and happiness spilling out, filling every corner of their daily lives.


She thought she probably liked the mermaid a bit.


But how much is “a bit”?


She was busy with her exams and hadn’t had time to examine her feelings.


However, during her breaks, she couldn’t help but prop her chin and gaze at the mermaid’s profile, as if admiring a small blue rose.


Her gaze was different from usual, soft like a feather.


Being looked at like that gave one the illusion of soaking in warm syrup.


The monster’s cold, sharp heart slowly softened, feeling a very strange emotion.


But when the mermaid looked down.


She would casually turn away, humming a tune and continue highlighting her notes as if nothing happened.


The monster looked at the kitten, puzzled.


It was hard to understand why this kitten was so proud and in such a good mood.



And there were more such odd events.


At night, they walked on the beach together.


Suddenly, Shu Tang slowed her pace to match the mermaid’s and stealthily took his hand.


She was like a thief, or a high school student sneaking past the principal, only daring to be bold under the cover of night.


Shu Tang felt her palms sweat a bit,


But fortunately, it seemed the mermaid didn’t notice anything unusual.


It seemed there was no difference between her carrying him and dragging him along; holding hands and hugging were no different.


Shu Tang specifically chose dark, rocky paths.


So she could tell the mermaid, “Oh, be careful, or you’ll fall.”


The tall monster looked down at her, puzzled and tilted his head.


But during the day, this excuse wouldn’t work.


When the weather is nice, Shu Tang enjoys spending time with the mermaid on the rocks, whether it’s eating or doing paperwork, feeling the sea breeze and basking in the sun is very comfortable.


However, at this moment, she couldn’t help but glance at the mermaid beside her.


Shu Tang once suspected that catnip might have appeared nearby, staining the mermaid’s hair. So, during a walk, she thoroughly inspected the surroundings but found no such prohibited item.


She then sneaked closer, approaching the mermaid’s large hand.


The mermaid paused slightly, looking down at her hand.


Under his calm and scrutinizing gaze, Shu Tang felt as if she was caught red-handed.


But now the sun was just right, and the excuse of pretending to fall couldn’t be used.


Shu Tang then said very seriously:


“Little Rose, have you heard of photosynthesis?”


She looked up at the sun, dead serious:


“When the sun is out, holding hands can perform photosynthesis.”


“It’s very good for the body.”


The little liar was spouting nonsense.


Because when she lies, she looks around and avoids eye contact.


The mermaid lazily squinted at her for a while, then flicked his tail.


Shu Tang felt increasingly guilty, thinking: Maybe it’s better to hold hands at night.


Her many unusual behaviors were all noticed by the mermaid.


This creature sharply realized: She wanted to take something from him.


If it were anyone else trying to take something from this solitary and fierce mermaid, the lord of the deep sea, he would without hesitation tear the greedy humans to shreds; but now, the one trying to take from him had become the little cat.


Day after day of being together, the deep-sea monster grew more patient with her.


But before Shu Tang could withdraw her hand, a cold large hand grabbed her back.


Their fingers intertwined tightly.


The mermaid withdrew his gaze, flicked his tail, turned, and together they basked in the sun side by side.


Her lips curved upwards.


Truly like a sunflower basking in the sun.


While holding hands, due to some magical photosynthesis, spring bloomed.




Throughout the entire day, the monster experienced a strong desire for knowledge for the first time.


When it realized that the kitten started to want something, the monster did not feel angry or even surprised.


Just as it is natural for the strong to protect the weak, whether it was the “human nuclear weapon” from ten years ago or this solitary monster from ten years later, both deeply understood the harsh laws of the jungle:


— To receive something, one must correspondingly give something up.


Even from the day Shu Tang decided to stay, the mermaid had been waiting for the day she would ask for something.


Because, did the monster really not understand that just by “pity,” she would be willing to stay in its world forever?


Previously, Shu Tang told the monster that she still liked “his” barren world.


But after the electricity was restored, the monster realized that it was a lie by the little trickster.


She said, “Little Rose, I like reading books by the fire with you.”


The mermaid was pleased then and went out to prepare more firewood;


However, actually, Shu Tang preferred reading under bright light, because it was clearer.


She said, “Little Rose, I like watching the Sea of Tears and playing with sand with you.”


Until they got a television.


She never went out to play with sand again.


It turned out that it was only because the monster’s world was so barren that her only entertainments were playing with sand and watching the sea of tears.


Yet she lied to the monster, saying she liked “his” world.


If she didn’t really like the monster’s barren soil, why did she stay?


But upon discovering Shu Tang’s “requests,” the confusion that had built up over the days finally found an outlet.


The monster quietly waited for Shu Tang to make her demands.


What did she want to ask for?


Because of this doubt, while watching TV, the mermaid’s gaze always drifted towards Shu Tang.


But Shu Tang didn’t know what the mermaid was thinking.


The brainwaves of the two sometimes eerily matched; yet at other times, they seemed completely divergent.


Shu Tang felt the mermaid’s often silent, scrutinizing gaze.


Shu Tang: Has he already realized that humans can’t photosynthesize?


Shu Tang felt a bit nervous under the mermaid’s gaze.


She began to nervously think of other excuses to bluff her way through.


If photosynthesis wouldn’t work, then it would be “quantum mechanics.”


— She felt that, with the mermaid’s current pace of learning, it wouldn’t soon enter the realm of quantum mechanics. This new term could be a bluff for a while.


But soon, that scrutinizing gaze faded away.


Shu Tang, who was pretending to read a book, immediately noticed that the mermaid had closed his eyes, and his tail had stopped moving.


She let out a sigh of relief.


The mermaid’s profile, his long eyelashes casting a shadowy arc under the light.


She held her breath.


Quietly, she moved closer to him.


Tentatively, she poked the mermaid.


The mermaid remained quiet.


Indeed, this mermaid was creating an opportunity for Shu Tang.


However, during this waiting period, the monster began to feel uneasy:


“His” world was barren and dull; perhaps after her scrutiny, she would find nothing of value.


And the monster itself, besides its formidable fighting power, had nothing else. It was like a term from ten years ago: a humanoid nuclear weapon. A cold, deadly weapon with immense destructive power.


Aside from slaughter and some fish, it seemed he could offer her nothing else.


Yet, as the monster scrutinized itself, coldly interrogating its own heart, trying to vent that longstanding unease by belittling itself—


A breeze swept through.


The little cat approached the sleeping mermaid.


Gently, very carefully, she kissed the monster’s cheek.



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