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Hong Kong Detective [90s] Chapter 32

Yi Shiniang


Sister Yin has been working for decades, and this was the first time she finished work a few minutes late.


The next day, Yi Jiayi stopped assisting her and was about to leave her for a group of smelly old men, rushing off to a war dedicated to justice.


“Take this bottle of mosquito repellent, it’s floral scented. Spray some when you’re free, the men in the Major Crime unit stink,” Sister Yin said, waving her hand as if dispersing a bad smell, then she laughed again, “From now on, when you buy afternoon tea for Sergeant Fang and the like, remember to charge them; you are an investigator now, you don’t have to do logistical work anymore.”


“Okay, Sister Yin,” Yi Jiayi obediently nodded, her serious expression as if what Sister Yin said was something very important and professional.


“Come back and visit often, I’ll keep the black tea ready for you.”


“I’ll come back and help Sister Yin with the paperwork when I’m free.”


“What for? Just come back to visit your maternal home, no need to work.”




Sister Yin helped Yi Jiayi pack her things before she herself left work with her bag.


Yi Jiayi, carrying two stacked paper boxes, hurried down the stairs and eagerly set them on the desk by the window.


Liu Jiaming had just called the family to inform them to come to claim a body tomorrow, and after going through the evidence with the coroner and forensic science department, he turned back only to see Yi Jiayi arranging things in the office.


He had just heard from Brother Yue that Jiayi would join the Major Crime Team B tomorrow, but didn’t expect her to already be in place. He strode up to her, sat down at her desk, and asked with a smile:


“Starting tomorrow, can I ask you for whatever I want to eat anytime? Can we swap the flowers for something brighter and more auspicious tomorrow, maybe less about death and murder, to give us some peace?”


“Try not to boss Yi Jiayi around in the future; we’re colleagues now. If you need favors, remember to pay,” Sergeant Fang Zhenyue came in from behind, holding a stack of documents.


He walked over to Yi Jiayi’s desk, pushed Liu Jiaming off, and slapped the place where Liu had sat with the documents as if it were dirty. After dusting off the non-existent dirt, he set down the documents, “You’ll need these for the report tomorrow; they are various evidence reports and statements.”


“Understood, Sir Fang,” Yi Jiayi, highly enthusiastic about her work, was completely unaware of how mentally taxing the case reports could be.


After the triple trial session with Qiu Sushan and Sir Fang in the morning, what else was there to fear?


“From now on, you can call me Brother Yue like everyone else,” Liu Jiaming said with a laugh, sitting back at his own desk and leaning over it, “This spot is the best for appreciating beauty.”


Yi Jiayi giggled, unfazed by the teasing, simply naive.


“However…” Liu Jiaming looked at the young policewoman’s pure smile and couldn’t help but sigh deeply. “It’s really not apparent. Truly hidden depth, tsk tsk, truly hidden depth.”


“What?” While chatting casually with Liu Jiaming, Yi Jiayi placed two crime-related books she had borrowed from the library on the table.


Liu Jiaming waited for Fang Zhenyue to leave before leaning in and whispering, “Tell your Brother Jiaming the truth. Those people are the murderers, right? Brother Zhenyue told you, didn’t he?”


He stared at Yi Jiayi, who looked both amused and helpless, clearly not pretending, and frowned as he pointed at her, “Are you Brother Zhenyue’s cousin?”


“No,” she shook her head seriously.


“Second cousin,” Liu Jiaming persisted.




“Then—” Just as Liu Jiaming was about to guess again, he saw Fang Zhenyue walk back into the office, looking towards him and Yi Jiayi. He quickly pretended to be chatting casually and blurted out:


“Hey, your name sounds like one plus one.”


“You just noticed? Brother Jiaming, how did you become a detective?” Yi Jiayi couldn’t resist teasing him.


“Uh.” Liu Jiaming didn’t expect to be stumped by the innocently harmful young policewoman.


“Hahaha.” Fang Zhenyue walked up to Yi Jiayi’s desk with his hands in his pockets, pulled them out, and showed two index fingers, indicating that this is one plus one.


“Eleven.” Yi Jiayi pushed his two fingers together, forming an eleven.


Fang Zhenyue retracted his hands, patted her on the head, and quickly drew back, “Let’s go. Call the folks from the forensic department down, work is over, let’s eat.”


Gary, who had just walked in, immediately responded, turned around, and ran off to call the others.


Liu Jiaming turned to Yi Jiayi and shrugged, “From now on, I’ll call you Eleven.”


“Why?” Yi Jiayi quickly packed her things, putting a cardboard box under the table and picking up her bag, thermal box, and bicycle keys, following everyone out while asking Liu Jiaming.


Liu Jiaming immediately imitated Fang Zhenyue, stretched out two index fingers, brought them together, and mimicked Yi Jiayi’s voice in a throaty whisper: “Eleven~”


“Is that how I say it?” Yi Jiayi, embarrassed by his teasing, turned red and swung her hand to hit his arm.


Liu Jiaming quickly dodged, turning around to chuckle smugly.


Yi Jiayi rolled her eyes in the most standard way of the century, but she couldn’t dampen Liu Jiaming’s spirits.


As a result, the nickname spread, and everyone agreed that calling “Yi Jiayi” was too long. Saying her full name every day would mean a lot of extra words.


Calling her “Jiayi” felt too gentle; when we all go out together to catch criminals, and everyone is supposed to look fierce and menacing, it doesn’t work. Calling out names like “Brother Yue,” “Jiaming,” “Uncle Jiu,” or “Sanfu” flows well, with rises and falls in tone that sound imposing when shouted. But “Jiayi~” sounds too tender, too kindly—that just won’t do.


The presence it brings is very important! Yelling “Eleven” sounds like a tough guy coming to back you up, and just hearing that makes a suspect’s legs go weak.


That’s exactly what seizing the initiative means.


“Alright, we’ll call it ‘Eleven.'” Even Uncle Jiu joined in the fun.


“That’s not bad.”


“It rolls off the tongue nicely.”


“It sounds brotherly; calling out ‘Eleven’ makes me feel more at ease in front of Jiayi.”


Hearing everyone’s comments, Yi Jiayi gradually accepted it and began to be persuaded, feeling that it indeed seemed fitting.


Until everyone got into Fang Zhenyue’s Jeep, Liu Jiaming suddenly snickered and added:


“Eleven, Eleven, really a great name. How it sounds… Hahaha, it’s like a police dog!”


“…” Yi Jiayi.


After solving the King’s Park murder case, everyone relaxed, laughing and chatting away about all sorts of things.



The black Jeep roared through the city’s streets, with the crowded sidewalks and closely packed storefronts turning into fleeting shadows, drawing streaks of colorful blurs.


Turning left and right to find a parking spot, the Jeep’s doors opened, and a bunch of imposing figures stepped out, each with a presence hard to ignore, except for a dainty little girl, unexpectedly the last to descend.


Circling through the alley to Yi Ji, from a distance they saw several people queuing at the storefront.


Liu Jiaming ran over in a few quick steps, his curiosity piqued as soon as he entered, he asked, “Brother Jiadong, what’s selling so well?”


“Hey, don’t cut the line! If you want a Yi’s Iced Delight, go to the back of the line!” a little girl in line saw Liu Jiaming heading towards the store, clearly familiar with the owner, and immediately warned him nervously.


“Oh, Yi’s Iced Delight, I drink it every day,” Liu Jiaming bragged, turning around.


The little girl worried about him cutting the line immediately made a face and turned away, dismissively.


It was mealtime, and several tables inside Yi Ji were occupied.


Yi Jiadong didn’t know when these detectives would get off work and hadn’t reserved seats for them, so now he busily came out to help, asking other customers to kindly share tables with a smile.


Sharing tables in such a well-regarded old establishment was common, and most patrons cheerfully chatted with Yi Jiadong while willingly moving their cups and chopsticks to rearrange the seating.


Only a long-haired young man named Xiao Afei, looking tough, stayed seated by himself at a table.


“The little shop doesn’t have many seats, so sharing tables is common. You see—” Yi Jiadong said with a big smile on his face.


“But boss, I was here first. Why should I give up my spot just because they arrived? That doesn’t make any sense, does it?” Xiao Afei leaned back, his chin pointing at Yi Jiadong, his attitude becoming more arrogant.


“We’re all out to eat, meeting here is fate, let’s make it easy for each other,” Yi Jiadong replied, his smile slightly awkward. In the small eateries of Sham Shui Po, sharing tables was a common situation, but rarely did it become an issue.


Yi Jiayi couldn’t bear to see her brother being troubled and thought about stepping forward to suggest letting it go; they could just set up a table in the small courtyard behind the kitchen if needed.


However, Fang Zhenyue was even quicker. He walked up behind Xiao Afei, leaned forward with his arms bracing on the table, his arm muscles clearly outlined:


“Let’s make it easier, don’t be so unsociable! Look, if you don’t want to move, that’s fine. How about we all sit together? I’ll treat everyone today, including you, how does that sound?”


Xiao Afei’s gaze involuntarily drifted to Fang Zhenyue’s strong, powerful hands and the tensed muscles and veins. When he looked up again, he felt the overwhelming presence of Fang towering over him.


“Let me treat you to a cup of ‘Milk Tea Iced Happiness’, how about that?” Fang Zhenyue’s voice was deep, and even though he slowed his speech intentionally and kept smiling, there was still an underlying ferocity like a beast’s whisper.


“Alright, I’ll give you that respect!” Xiao Afei glanced over his shoulder at the people behind Fang Zhenyue; there seemed to be a special aura about police officers that made him slightly nervous and guilty.


Once Xiao Afei moved to the next table, Fang Zhenyue finally let out a cheerful laugh: “Sorry for the trouble, and thanks.”


Although entirely polite, his demeanor was breezy and not at all weak.


“Don’t mention it.” Xiao Afei gave an awkward smile, accepting Fang Zhenyue’s kindness and nodding, “And thanks for the milk tea too.”


Fang Zhenyue nodded, then gestured to Uncle Ji and the others to sit down.


The onlookers who had been watching with stern faces finally broke into smiles and took their seats in succession.


Quite impressive.


“Brother Jiadong, you promised me you’d make Eight Treasure Duck.” As soon as Liu Jiaming’s buttocks touched the chair, he was already smiling and asking for the delicious dish.


“Just waiting for you all, it’ll be ready in no time.” Yi Jiadong replied with a hearty laugh, although his eyes occasionally swept over Fang Zhenyue. He hadn’t realized Fang’s charisma before today; even he was attracted and wanted to become his brother.


Fang Zhenyue then ordered a few more dishes, and Yi Jiadong went back to the kitchen.


Yi Jiayi got up to help, adding water and cups for the guests, serving dishes and tea.


Yi Jiajun was standing on a stool at the counter, taking cash and keeping accounts. Yi Jiaru had already learned from his brother how to make ‘Milk Tea Iced Happiness’ and was now shouldering the responsibility of a ‘tea mixing’ master, making one cup after another.


“It’s been really popular lately, selling dozens of cups a day.”Yi Jiaru whispered to her sister while pouring ice cream into a milkshake cup, then without waiting for her sister’s reply, she had already wrapped up the cup in her hands and handed it to a customer, peeking out to greet the next one: “One Milk Tea Iced Happiness? Alright~ Do you want thick snow mountain, thin snow mountain, or a milk cap?”


As the customer replied, she quickly and attentively started making it.


Yi Jiayi quietly slipped something into Yi Jiaru’s pocket and then turned to find Yi Jiajun.


Jiaru made two more cups of milk tea and finally took a moment to check her pockets. She pulled out a hundred yuan note and immediately opened her mouth wide in excitement. Ignoring the other customers in front of her, she turned around and shouted to Yi Jiayi:


“I love you, big sister!”


Yi Jiayi didn’t dare give her siblings too much money, fearing they might spend it frivolously or lose it, so she only gave each one a hundred yuan for pocket money.


The rest of her salary and bonuses would be shared with her eldest brother when she got home.


After a busy round, she sat back down next to Fang Zhenyue. Liu Jiaming, pointing at the queue of people buying milk tea, exclaimed:


“Last time I was here, there weren’t this many people lining up. Yi Ji’s place is really getting popular.”


Yi Jiayi looked back and then leaned forward, whispering, “Well… several of them are shills I hired…”


Liu Jiaming raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You really have a business mind, truly worthy of being called the ‘Cunning Hand,’ always so clever!”


Yi Jiayi scratched her forehead sheepishly as Liu Jiaming stared at the queue and couldn’t help but ask, “Hey? Isn’t that the younger brother of the male victim from the King’s Park murder case? What’s his name, Ding Bao something?”


“Ding Baoshu.” Yi Jiayi rubbed the back of her hands. “He’s also one of the shills I hired.”


“I don’t pay them much. When these shills come to buy milk tea, my sister only gives them the tea, no frappes or snow tops. That way, after they buy their milk tea here, they can go around to the back door. The tea is then poured back into the containers and sold again.” Yi Jiayi spoke softly, somewhat awkwardly.


Though hiring shills seemed common in future generations, she still felt a bit embarrassed doing it herself.


“You’re really something,” Liu Jiaming praised sincerely. He looked back at the queue, trying to deduce which were genuine buyers and which were fake.


Fang Zhenyue had been silent the whole time, but his eyes occasionally swept over Ding Baoshu standing in line. When his gaze returned to Yi Jiayi, his eyes softened slightly.


After their dishes were ready, Yi Jiayi got up to help in the kitchen and just happened to catch Ding Baoshu at the back door, returning his milk tea.


Ding Baoshu was not much of a talker. After finishing his task, he put on a hat, disguised himself a bit, and joined the queue at the front door again.


As Jiaru went to the kitchen to get new cups, she saw her elder sister watching Ding Baoshu’s retreating figure and couldn’t help complaining:


“I followed your advice and went to his house to recruit him, telling him there was money to be made, a great opportunity for him, but he refused. He was just about to go out with an old bag to pick up trash. He’s really hard to talk to, very stubborn. It was only after I told him I was your sister that he put down his bag and came with me.”


“He’s really pitiable, his brother was murdered, so we should look after him,” Yi Jiayi said, then added, “But at his age, he’s definitely very proud, so don’t show any pity.”


“Got it, who wants to pity him anyway, I can’t be bothered,” Jiaru said, laughing as she picked up the cups and went back to making milk tea.


Yi Jiayi returned with the dishes to the front hall, only to see Ding Baoshu had already returned to the front door, continuing to add to the crowd queuing for milk tea.



This meal was a celebratory feast for the Major Crime team, a rare occasion.


They ordered a few bottles of wine, eating and drinking merrily, enjoying themselves to the fullest.


In the process, we inevitably talked about the King’s Park Murder Case, cursed the murderer, praised Brother Yue, and marveled at the incredibility of Yi Jiayi.


However, everyone was careful during the discussions, avoiding sensitive topics and secrets.


Considering that Ding Baoshu was still there, sometimes wearing a hat, sometimes taking it off while queuing, they even refrained from mentioning Ding Baolin’s name.


The detectives, though they appeared rough and rowdy while eating and drinking, harboring no image, had an unspoken delicacy and gentleness beneath their rugged exterior.


Silence, yet equally powerful.


After seeing off the detectives from Team B, the crowd gradually dwindled. Yi Jiayi found some quiet time and slowly started to clean up the kitchen, preparing to close for the day.


The temp workers hired by Yi Jiayi also finished their shifts, collected their day’s wages, and left one by one, with the short Ding Baoshu trailing behind.


When Yi Jiayi personally settled his payment, she also handed him a bag of siomai that hadn’t been eaten today and would not stay fresh for long, along with two pineapple buns.


Ding Baoshu pursed his lips and didn’t reach out to take them. Yi Jiayi didn’t insist and simply carried the items beside him, following him out of the restaurant and turning towards Fuquan Street.


Ding Baoshu looked back at her two or three times before he confirmed she was following him home. Then he stopped and confronted her for several seconds before asking, “Is there something you want to ask?”


Yi Jiayi shook her head, “The case has been solved, no need to ask any more questions.”


“Then why are you still following me?” Ding Baoshu looked at her, puzzled.


“If you won’t take this food, I’ll have to bring it to your house,” Yi Jiayi said, seemingly helpless.


To deal with a stubborn child, just playfully be cheeky.


Ding Baoshu looked down at the bag in her hands, frowning, seemingly unsure what to do with her.


“Will your grandmother accompany you to collect the body at the police station tomorrow?” Yi Jiayi asked him as he hesitated to leave, continuing to walk ahead while looking back at him.


Ding Baoshu had no choice but to follow, “My grandmother is not in good health, I will go by myself.”


“You are still a minor.”


“It’s only me left in our family.” Ding Baoshu’s expression was very calm, his brow smooth, showing a hint of youthful determination.


“I’ll ask your community—”


“I can handle it myself.” Ding Baoshu raised his head, his tone neither intense nor pitiful, revealing a kind of resilience that perhaps only a child weathered by hardships could possess.


“What are you planning to do?”


“There’s a paper shop behind our street. I’ve talked to the owner, he will arrange for my brother’s cremation. I’ll earn the money slowly and pay him back over time. I can’t afford a burial plot right now, so I’ll keep the ashes at home and offer incense to my brother every day. When I have money later, I’ll find a good Feng Shui spot for my brother.” Ding Baoshu had everything clearly planned, and Yi Jiayi couldn’t help but feel reassured listening to him.


The young man in front of her was short and skinny, seemingly unable to win a fight against her, yet he was more reliable than his age suggested.


The two then proceeded in silence, crossing two more streets, before Ding Baoshu reluctantly said, “Officer, please give it to me.”


He reached out to Yi Jiayi, finally willing to accept her gift.


“It’s okay, I ate too much dinner. I’ll walk it off with you.” Yi Jiayi’s day had also been full of ups and downs. Following him through the streets of Hong Kong, they crossed the lamp-lit pedestrian alley in Sham Shui Po and passed by Apliu Street, which was filled with various quirky stalls. It was a good chance for her to reflect on the entire day and to think things over quietly.


Thus, the two of them walked in tacit understanding, each lost in their own thoughts, without speaking.


It wasn’t until they saw the Sham Shui Po Police Station that Ding Baoshu finally spoke.


Perhaps it was Yi Jiayi’s serene demeanor that made him feel closer to her. He spoke softly:


“After my brother disappeared, I went to report it every week.”


“Everyone said that my brother must have run away to avoid debts or troubles, or maybe because he didn’t want me and grandma, considering us burdens.”


“But my brother isn’t that kind of person; he promised to take good care of me and grandma, and he would have kept his word.”


“But no one believed me.”


Ding Baolin used to be a gangster involved in all sorts of bad deeds—thievery, robbery, fighting—which were all on record.


The police knew Ding Baolin through these incidents; hence, the name Ding Baolin equated to these deeds.


Yi Jiayi’s gaze drifted back from afar to look at Ding Baoshu.


The young man was silent again for a while before he continued:


“I went to the boss where my brother worked. He had already hired someone else and said he knew someone like my brother wouldn’t last long.”


“I even went to the police station to tell them my brother had a girlfriend now and had promised to live an honest life; he had changed and stopped committing crimes.”


“The police acknowledged this and even made a note of it. But I overheard them talking while smoking, saying Ding Baolin must have eloped with his girl.”


“I still go every week to report him missing, and they all think I’m foolish.”


Night had already fallen over Hong Kong, and it remained noisy all around.


Looking up, no stars could be seen, and even the moonlight was blurry. All around, there were only the lights of neon signs, sickly green and blood red, dazzling the eyes.


Yi Jiayi didn’t speak, not because she was afraid to interrupt him, but because she didn’t know what to say.


When they reached his doorstep, she handed him the bag, and listened as Ding Baoshu quietly thanked her. She smiled at him.


The young man walked a few steps, then turned back, standing alone under the flickering, nearly broken street lamp, and asked her:


“Officer, in this society, do people ever forgive?”



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