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The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine Chapter 17

Chapter 17


For a long while, You Yuji’s feet, numb from the cold, finally began to warm up. However, her anxiety grew as Zhao Sheng’s men had not yet been found.


At this moment, Lin Yingying asked nervously, “Sister, will someone really come to rescue us?”


Cuiyu, standing nearby, complained, “Someone must have framed us! Damn those wicked people!”


Cuiyu glanced around and noticed Si Que looking at her. When she looked again, Si Que had already looked away. She wondered if it was just her imagination. For some reason, Cuiyu felt that Si Que was not only strange but also dangerous. She moved closer to Lin Yingying.


Lady Jing had gotten off the carriage earlier and only returned after a long while. She stood outside the window and said, “Madam, Zhuo Wen’s men have been watching, but they haven’t seen any of General Zhao’s people.”


The two horses pulling the carriage kept stamping their hooves in the snow, making impatient noises.


Including the coachman, there were twelve guards outside.


You Yuji raised her hand and lifted the curtain at the window, letting a gust of cold wind into the carriage. She had thought the carriage was thin and cold, but the wind made her realize it was actually a haven from the harsh cold outside.


The snow outside was falling more heavily, turning the world into a black and white landscape. This second snowfall of the winter seemed to have been brewing for a long time, determined to make a grand entrance and showed no signs of stopping.


“We won’t wait any longer. We’ll go on our own.”


You Yuji had a bad feeling, worried that something had happened to Zhao Sheng. If he was just delayed, that would be fine, but if he was in danger because of her, she would be wracked with guilt.


You Yuji bent down and unwound the long white cotton cloth wrapped around her feet to put on her still damp and cold shoes and socks.


Chunxing, clutching her hands on her knees, said, “Madam, your shoes are wet. If you don’t mind, let’s switch! I’m not afraid of the cold!”


You Yuji had already put on her socks and shoes. She looked up at Chunxing and smiled gently, saying, “Take care of yourself.”


In such cold weather, no one wanted to wear wet shoes and socks. But Chunxing, with her low status and weak, submissive personality, habitually tried to please others. You Yuji refused, and Chunxing couldn’t help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.


Zhuo Wen said they were in the mountains, and whether they continued to Yunping Temple or turned back, the distance was about the same. However, going back would mean facing the wind.


After some thought, You Yuji decided they should head toward Yunping Temple.


As she got off the carriage, You Yuji saw Si Que taking a pill. She frowned slightly, remembering Si Que’s frail health, and thought they should be more attentive on the road.


“If you feel unwell, remember to tell me,” You Yuji said softly, holding Si Que’s sleeve.


Si Que slowly chewed the bitter pill and said, “Okay, I’ll listen to you, sister.”


The group trudged through the snow, the wind howling around them, with endless snow-covered mountains ahead.


After walking for a long time, the wind suddenly picked up, pushing them forward.




You Yuji turned around and saw that Cuiyu had fallen and was being helped up by Lin Yingying.


Cuiyu cried, “Why couldn’t we just wait in the carriage for someone to rescue us? Why do we have to walk by ourselves? Wuwu.”


“The wind is too strong, and the road is hard to walk on. Zhuo Wen, see if there’s a place we can temporarily shelter from the wind and snow.”


After giving these instructions, You Yuji turned to Cuiyu and said, “They are in the shadows; we are too conspicuous if we stay in one place.”


This was exactly what You Yuji was worried about. The enemy, having put on such a grand show, wouldn’t bet on the small chance of them freezing to death. There must be more men lying in wait for an ambush.


Cuiyu, unwilling to give up, said, “We’ve kept to ourselves and haven’t offended anyone. Are they trying to harm you? We’re being dragged into this because of you!”


Chunxing, standing behind Cuiyu, tugged at her sleeve.


Cuiyu regretted her words as soon as she finished speaking, pressing her lips tightly together. Growing up being mocked and scolded had made her develop a sharp tongue that she couldn’t control.


Si Que glanced at her and instinctively reached for his waist, but the copper coin he usually carried was left in the carriage.


He glanced at Cuiyu again and smiled.


— How lucky is this person?


Soon, Zhuo Wen came over, having found an abandoned animal den that could provide temporary shelter from the wind and snow.


The place was small and could only accommodate a few women for a short while.


You Yuji saw the guards’ cheeks red from the cold and couldn’t bear to rest for long.


“Madam, you should rest for a bit. I’ll leave half of the men here and take the others to look deeper into the mountains. I heard there’s a hot spring in the snow mountains. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find it.”


That was the best they could do.


The cave was small, and the women squeezed in with difficulty.


You Yuji was worried about Zhao Sheng and hoped the snow would stop soon.


Suddenly, she heard a sound of something loosening above her. She looked up to see clumps of soil falling.


“Watch out!” You Yuji pulled Si Que beside her, shielding him in her arms. She raised her arm, and her cloak covered them from the falling debris.


Si Que, protected in You Yuji’s embrace, could clearly hear her soft heartbeat against his cheek, thumping steadily.


Si Que slowly blinked and thought—this couldn’t continue.


Just as Si Que was about to straighten up, more loose soil fell. You Yuji pulled him back into her arms, using her cloak to shield him again.


Si Que’s face was completely buried.


In the warmth and fragrance, he took a breath and made a decision.



A little more than two ke, Zhuo Wen returned with the men, having indeed found the hot spring.


“Fortune is on our side! The hot spring is steaming; it’ll warm everyone up nicely!”


“That’s wonderful!” Lin Yingying’s frostbitten face finally lit up with a smile.


As they left the cave, the wind and snow outside had lessened a bit. The group walked quickly and reached the snow mountain hot spring in about three ke.


The guards kept their distance.


The distant mountains were covered in a blanket of white snow, and the small hot spring emitted steam, surrounded by patches of green grass. The group, frozen stiff, couldn’t wait to jump into the warm spring water.


You Yuji squatted by the water’s edge, lifting her sleeve with one hand and dipping her other hand into the water to test the temperature. The warmth slowly seeped into her numb fingers and spread through her body.


“Sister, you soak for a while first. I’ll keep an eye on them,” Lin Yingying said softly, glancing toward the direction where the guards had gone.


Lady Jing rubbed her hands together and said, “That’s right. Even if these guards are upright, we must follow the rules to avoid any future gossip. We’ll warm up one by one while others keep an eye on the guards. It will serve as a witness.”


There were more than just one or two guards, and even one person spreading rumors could ruin their reputation. It wasn’t convenient to have just one person keeping watch either.


Initially, Lady Jing and Lin Yingying were supposed to keep watch. However, Cuiyu, feeling embarrassed after her earlier mistake, also ran to help.


Chunxing, feeling shy about soaking in the hot spring with her mistress, ran after the others.


Thus, only You Yuji and Si Que remained.


Si Que lowered his head and pressed the corner of his eye with his fingertip. A natural hint of redness at the tail of his narrow eyes always added an inappropriate touch of beauty to his otherwise cold and indifferent gaze.


You Yuji had already sat by the edge of the hot spring, quickly removing her socks and shoes, and soaking her frozen feet in the warm water.


The steam swirled around, gently caressing her snow-white feet. A small red mole on her ankle bobbed up and down with the ripples.


Si Que stood by, his gaze slowly moving up from You Yuji’s toes, past the red mole, to the small portion of her slender calf exposed under her skirt.


“Sister, are you planning to bathe with me?” Si Que asked.


You Yuji turned her gaze towards him.


The sky was overcast, casting a grayish light over everything. Snowflakes fell between them, creating a barrier. A layer of snow also covered Si Que’s shoulders.


Si Que’s long eyelashes hid his emotions, making it impossible for You Yuji to decipher his thoughts.


In that moment, she felt that the Si Que standing not far away seemed very distant.


You Yuji smiled gently and said, “Due to the circumstances, we can’t be too particular about propriety. Si Que, you wouldn’t mind bathing with your sister, would you?”


Si Que slowly lifted his dark lashes and looked into You Yuji’s eyes, a faint smile tugging at his lips.


As their eyes met, You Yuji felt a strange sense of unfamiliarity. For a moment, she wondered if she truly understood Si Que.


You Yuji looked away first, scooping up a handful of hot spring water and splashing it on her ankle. She said, “I’m alright, but my feet are very cold. Your health is fragile, and you can’t withstand the cold. Quickly undress and soak in the hot spring to warm up. Don’t get sick. The others are still waiting, so we’ll warm up a bit and then call them over.”


After speaking, You Yuji didn’t hear a response from Si Que for a while. She turned to look at him again.


Si Que stood sideways, staring at the water with a blank expression, seemingly hesitating.


“Si Que?” You Yuji stood up, carefully stepping on the smooth, wet stones by the hot spring as she walked towards him.


Standing a few steps away from him, she smiled gently, “What’s wrong? Are you too cold to undress yourself? Do you need your sister to help you?”


Si Que looked at You Yuji and suddenly smiled—a sweet, radiant, even innocent smile.


“There’s no need to trouble you, sister.” Si Que looked into You Yuji’s eyes and began to untie his belt.


His snow-colored skirt hung loosely over his shoulders, exposing his collarbone.


Si Que took off his outer garment and placed it on a clean stone beside him.


For some reason, You Yuji felt an inexplicable sense of strangeness.


Underneath Si Que’s outer garment was a snow-colored inner robe.


He continued undressing while staring into You Yuji’s eyes. When the lapels of his robe loosened, You Yuji noticed he wasn’t wearing an undergarment.


You Yuji was startled and thought to herself—she always knew Si Que’s chest was flat, but she didn’t expect it to be so flat that he didn’t even need an undergarment…


Even though they were both women, You Yuji turned her gaze away.


At this moment, she couldn’t help but think how a flat chest would eliminate many troubles. She felt a bit envious.


Si Que bent down, placing his inner garment with his outer garment.


Though the wind had lessened, it was still chilly against the skin.


Si Que looked at You Yuji with amusement as he began to untie the sash at his waist. The thin ribbon slipped from the knot. He bent down, lifting his long legs, and removed his skirt and inner pants together.


Just as You Yuji was about to turn and undress to enter the water, Si Que called to her—


“Sister, look at me.”


“What—” You Yuji turned back, her gentle voice abruptly stopping.


She instinctively cried out in surprise, stepping back. The wet stone beneath her feet was slippery, causing her to fall. The pain of the fall was forgotten as she stared at Si Que in shock.


In the distance, Lady Jing’s voice called out, “Madam, what happened?”


You Yuji pressed her hand to her chest, forcing herself to calm down, and replied in a steady tone, “It’s nothing. I mistook a shadow for a person.”


Too shocked to move, You Yuji sat frozen, still staring at Si Que in disbelief.


Si Que looked back at You Yuji, smiling. Without speaking, he mouthed silently, “Am I pretty?”


He paused for a moment, then mouthed again, “Sister?”


You Yuji’s crimson lips trembled.


Si Que took a step toward You Yuji.


Reacting quickly, You Yuji said urgently, “Don’t come any closer!”


Si Que’s hand, which had been reaching out to help You Yuji up, paused. Hearing her words, he changed direction, gently patting her head instead.


“Okay, I’ll listen to you, sister.” He obediently retracted his hand, turned, and walked into the warm, misty hot spring.


The gently rippling water gradually covered his body.



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