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The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine Chapter 27


Chen Anzhi’s coming-of-age ceremony was successfully completed in the ancestral temple.


Prince Chen Zheng of Jinnan listened to the praises from others, smiling on the surface but feeling uneasy inside. When he and the princess first married, they followed the emperor in campaigns across the land, watching the territory of the Chen Kingdom expand. He was a young man full of ambition, never showing mercy to enemy commanders who resisted.


He never regretted his ruthless actions, believing that achieving success in battle justified the sacrifices made.


However, there was that one time when the emperor’s orders were pressing, and a besieged city refused to surrender. With a decisive wave of his hand, he ordered the city to be massacred. The walls collapsed, blood flowed like rivers, and wails echoed for miles.


He returned triumphant with military honors, only to learn that the same day he ordered the massacre, the child in the princess’s womb was lost.


It was a fetus nearly seven months old.


Before this, there were no signs of trouble. The princess had not consumed anything harmful, nor had she suffered any injuries. At that time, there was only the princess in the Jinnan palace, so there was no possibility of any sordid competition for favor. Prince Jinnan ordered a thorough investigation, but nothing was found. That morning, the doctor had said the child was very healthy. But by mid-afternoon, the princess suddenly experienced severe pain, and the child could not be saved. The princess also fell seriously ill, and it was diagnosed that future pregnancies would be difficult.


Because the princess was so ill and worried about never being able to conceive again, she promoted a maid from her side, leading to the birth of the eldest son, Chen Shunzhi.


Later, as the princess’s health gradually improved, she gave birth to Chen Anzhi and Chen Lingyan.


Due to the death of their first child, both Prince Jinnan and the princess spoiled their subsequent children greatly. They were especially cautious and accommodating, fearing any misfortune might befall them. Moreover, the princess’s health had always been poor, often rendering her unable to provide proper guidance, while Prince Jinnan was frequently away from the capital.


Indulging children is akin to harming them.


Prince Jinnan looked at Chen Anzhi, who was talking with a few of his cousins, and sighed. He felt he could no longer allow Chen Anzhi to be so indulged. After the new year, he planned to send Chen Anzhi to the military for some training.



The guests at the coming-of-age banquet were all close relatives, but because Chen Anzhi was the emperor’s grandson, nearly all the royal family and nobility attended.


Chen Anzhi and his entourage returned from the ancestral temple in the late afternoon, and the banquet tables were set up in the mansion, with fruit and tea prepared. The princess, feeling unwell, stayed in the inner room talking with a few royal sisters-in-law, while You Yuji entertained the other female guests in the outer flower hall. You Yuji couldn’t remember all their names and statuses, but fortunately, Gu Momo was by her side to help her out.


Chen Anzhi and a few of his cousins sat in a pavilion, discussing plans for entertainment the next day. They originally planned to play polo, but Chen Anzhi’s leg injury hadn’t fully healed yet, so they had to think of something else.


Although Chen Anzhi wasn’t very skilled in riding, he loved fine horses and was very disappointed that he couldn’t play polo recently.


“Fourth Brother, I heard you’re taking another concubine tomorrow?” Chen Yinian teased with a smile.


Chen Anzhi always felt that making Fang Qingyi a concubine was an injustice to her, so he didn’t want to say much and just gave a vague reply.


But Chen Qi couldn’t help but say, “Fourth Brother, it’s been less than a month since your wedding, and you’re already taking concubines one after another. It doesn’t seem quite appropriate.”


As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, he saw You Yuji in the distance. He couldn’t help but look over. Even from afar, he could see her gentle and dignified smile. She always seemed like this, lightly smiling no matter what happened.


But Chen Qi knew that back in the Si Kingdom, You Yuji wasn’t like this.


At that time, she was dressed in riding attire, her long, straight legs concealed in knee-high leather boots, riding a tall horse, galloping across the fragrant grasslands. She raced alongside the men of the grasslands, leaving others behind, turning back with a radiant smile. The brisk wind blew her slightly curled long hair back, revealing her beautiful and wild face.


Before seeing You Yuji, Chen Qi thought he liked petite and delicate women. It wasn’t until he met You Yuji that he realized there could be a woman who combined seductive charm with open radiance.


Chen Anzhi followed Chen Qi’s gaze and looked back, seeing You Yuji talking with others, his face darkened. When he turned back, Chen Qi still hadn’t looked away.


Chen Lian lightly coughed and said with a smile, “Third Brother, I think this wine is quite good, what do you think?”


Chen Qi snapped out of it and immediately looked away.


Chen Anzhi, however, heavily put down the wine cup in his hand, saying in a deep voice, “What happened after you caught up with your sister-in-law on the grasslands that day? If I remember correctly, you were gone for nearly an hour.”


Chen Qi was startled, not daring to be vague about such a matter that could tarnish a woman’s reputation. He immediately said, “Fourth Brother, don’t misunderstand. We were just racing, and there were many people. Later, when we reached the mountain top, I just talked a bit more with her cousin!”


“Oh? Then why did you hide her riding whip?” Chen Anzhi snorted coldly. The prejudice against You Yuji had long been there.


Was he being suspected of having a secret affair with his sister-in-law? Chen Qi found it hard to explain. The whip was something he picked up and, out of selfishness, didn’t return. You Yuji didn’t even know about it. But now, being questioned by Chen Anzhi, he could only pale and explain, “What whip? I don’t know what you’re talking about…”


Chen Lian glanced at Chen Yinian, curiosity brimming within. Two years ago, when they traveled to the Si Kingdom, he was too young to go. Now, his curiosity about what happened back then was making him itch.


Chen Yinian smiled and said, “Alright, alright, let’s go find Big Brother, shall we? I just saw him come out from Uncle’s place.”


The small argument was quelled by Chen Yinian, and they went to find their elder cousin Chen Xun. Chen Xun, Chen Lian’s full brother, was also the eldest son of the Crown Prince, set to inherit the throne in the future. Though only in his early twenties, he was much more composed than his younger cousins. Usually stern-faced, he made his cousins somewhat afraid of him. After chatting briefly, Chen Anzhi was called away by the elders, and the others dispersed to chat with various people.


Chen Qi, feeling troubled, avoided the crowd and walked into the plum grove for some peace.


In fact, Chen Qi felt a bit of regret.


When the marriage decree was issued, if he had stepped forward and expressed his desire to marry, the decree would have fallen to him. His hand, hanging by his side, clenched slightly. He didn’t expect his fourth brother to treat her like this!


Back then, he didn’t speak up out of momentary cowardice. Now, could he still win her back?


He frowned and walked forward, gradually leaving the plum grove when he suddenly heard a voice that made him freeze.


“Baisui? Baisui?” You Yuji walked towards the plum grove looking for Baisui, whispering to Baohe beside her, “How did it get out? There are so many people in the residence today, it’s chaotic.”


“The servant didn’t watch it carefully for a moment…”


“Is the sister-in-law looking for it?” Chen Qi spoke, trying to keep his voice calm.


You Yuji followed Chen Qi’s gaze and saw Baisui squatting on a distant tree.


“Indeed.” You Yuji breathed a sigh of relief and quickly walked over, standing under the tree and reaching up on tiptoes to grab Baisui.


Seeing this, Chen Qi quickly walked over to her. “Let me help!”


Just as Chen Qi was about to touch Baisui, Baisui meowed and jumped down from the tree by itself.


You Yuji hurriedly squatted down and held it in her arms. She pinched the back of Baisui’s neck and softly warned it, “No more running around!”


As You Yuji massaged Baisui, it slowly squinted its eyes in comfort.


You Yuji stood up and looked at Chen Qi gently. “Why are you alone in the plum grove?”


“I drank some wine and came over to catch the breeze. I was just about to leave,” Chen Qi replied.


You Yuji nodded and didn’t ask more. She carried Baisui and walked out with Chen Qi.


Baisui, enjoying the comfort in You Yuji’s arms, suddenly opened its eyes and turned its head to look at Si Que on the other side of the plum grove. You Yuji, talking to Baohe with her head tilted, didn’t notice Si Que.


Si Que sat in a wheelchair, being pushed by Tingyun.


The poison in his body had accumulated too deeply, requiring daily medication to sustain his life. Only two days off the medication, and he was already too lazy to walk on his own.


—But if he didn’t stop the medication, it would be passed on to the child.


After You Yuji walked far enough away to ensure she couldn’t hear, Si Que coughed lightly and intermittently. After a while, as he started to feel better, he heard someone talking about You Yuji in the distance.


Si Que looked in the direction of the voice.


A bluestone path separated the plum grove from the scenic lake on the other side. Several women were walking on the bluestone path.


Jia Wenyin sneered, “You Yuji’s current state is just karma.”


Her two maids echoed her.


Jia Wenyin took a brocade box from one of her maids and opened it, revealing a box full of pearls.


“I originally didn’t know how to make her lose face. Yuji, a flawed pearl. Heh, I’ll use this box of pearls to make this broken pearl lose face. Hmph, wasting so many pearls is still giving her some dignity.” Jia Wenyin instructed, “Later, when the time is right, scatter these! Don’t mess it up.”


“Rest assured, madam!”


Jia Wenyin imagined You Yuji falling in public and felt a surge of satisfaction. She wouldn’t let You Yuji off so easily. Now that they were in Chenjing, the days ahead were long! Today, with so many nobles present, this box of pearls would serve as an appetizer, telling You Yuji that she could expect more revenge to come!


Thinking of her tragically deceased brother, Jia Wenyin felt a wave of hatred. She would make You Yuji wish she were dead!


“Tingyun, do you have a needle and thread?” Si Que asked in a cool voice.


Jia Wenyin was startled and looked up. Although it was her first time seeing Si Que, she immediately guessed who he was, captivated by his celestial and noble appearance.


Si Que turned the wooden wheels, leaving the plum grove as the wheelchair’s wooden wheels slowly rolled onto the bluestone path.


Jia Wenyin’s eyes flickered, worried about what to do now that Si Que had overheard her plan. She then heard Si Que’s next words, and her eyes widened in shock.


Si Que said, “Her eyeballs are quite round. Dig them out, string them together, and hang them around her neck.”


The commotion by the scenic lake drew the attention of the guests chatting and laughing in the flower hall. You Yuji hurried to the lake with the other guests, only to see someone struggling desperately in the icy lake water, with several maids attempting to rescue her.


Si Que, sitting in his wheelchair, slowly turned his head back and innocently looked at You Yuji. “Sister, she fell into the lake.”


You Yuji quickly ordered the household servants to save the person.


Before long, Jia Wenyin was rescued. The Zhao family rushed over, wrapping her in outer garments.


Mrs. Zhao scolded her daughter-in-law, “How did you fall into the water for no reason?”


Shivering, Jia Wenyin pointed at Si Que, her voice trembling. “She pushed me!”


Many people had gathered by the lake, and Si Que only looked innocently at You Yuji. “Sister, I was just complimenting her eyes. She fell in on her own.”


Jia Wenyin was furious, her eyes reddened, but her appearance was indeed quite disheveled, and she was too cold to speak.


You Yuji asked Mrs. Zhao to take Jia Wenyin away to change clothes quickly.


Then she walked towards Si Que, unfastening her cloak as she did so, and draped it over Si Que’s legs. She spoke softly, “Why did you come out alone?”


Si Que wasn’t alone; Tingyun had gone back to fetch the needle and thread.


“Sister, I didn’t push her.” He looked at You Yuji innocently.


“Alright. The wind is picking up. Let me push you back.” You Yuji agreed and walked behind Si Que, pushing him as they headed back.


You Yuji gripped the wheelchair handles tightly, feeling a bit conflicted.


Once they were far enough from the crowd, she couldn’t hold back any longer and asked softly, “Can your body really handle stopping the medication?”


You Yuji bit her lip. “Si Que, I don’t want to hurt you. If stopping the medication harms your health, I will seek someone else.”


Someone else?


Who? Chen Qi?


Si Que lowered his eyes, his lashes hiding the depths of his dark eyes. The innocent and obedient look vanished, replaced by a hint of desolation and malice.



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