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The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine Chapter 37


The first scream came from Yi Yuhuan. A sharp, burning pain radiated from her hand, and within moments, her fingers turned black and began to rot.


Seeing this, Zhou Wenlian and Liu Yaping, along with their three maidservants, screamed in terror.


Many onlookers at Qingya Residence turned their attention toward them. After the screams, even more people looked over. Many in the surrounding private rooms on the second-floor platform peered out of their windows.


“What happened?” Lin Yingying asked.


Cuiyu frowned. “Judging by the sound, it seems like those three women from earlier.”


You Yuji had a previous conflict with Yi Yuhuan. Now, she didn’t want to see the commotion or get into trouble, so she told those around her, “Let’s go.”


“Stop! It’s her! She’s the one who harmed me!” Yi Yuhuan pointed fearfully at Si Que.


You Yuji halted her movement to turn away.


Many people gathered around, remaining silent, causing a sudden quiet in Qingya Residence.


Since Yi Yuhuan said that, You Yuji couldn’t just leave. Reluctantly, she walked back toward Yi Yuhuan and her group.


You Yuji hadn’t gone far, but the onlookers blocked the path. Seeing her approach, they made way for her, often stealing extra glances at her.


As You Yuji got closer and saw Yi Yuhuan’s hand clearly, she was astonished. She initially thought Yi Yuhuan was causing trouble to extort someone, but who would injure their own hand to this extent for extortion?


She suddenly recalled catching a fleeting glimpse of a smile on Si Que’s lips earlier. It was a smile she had never seen on his face before, making her doubt her memory.


Si Que shook his head and said, “Sister, I saw her handkerchief fall and simply picked it up for her.”


“Nonsense! It’s—you harmed me! My hand turned like this right after I took your handkerchief!” Yi Yuhuan’s voice trembled and was filled with sobs. She stuttered through her words, looked at her right hand again, and screamed in terror. Initially, only her fingertips had turned black and started rotting, but now the rot was spreading visibly, nearly turning all her fingers black.


Someone in the crowd exclaimed, “What kind of deadly poison is this!”


Seeing the poison spread, the crowd, who had initially gathered to watch, stepped back in fear. Even Zhou Wenlian and Liu Yaping released their grip on Yi Yuhuan and retreated in fear.


You Yuji quickly glanced at Si Que’s hand and saw it was unharmed at his side. Still worried, she asked urgently, “Do you feel any discomfort?”


Si Que shook his head and spread his hands for You Yuji to see. He said innocently, “I don’t know why she’s saying these things.”


Only then did You Yuji relax. She turned to the trembling Yi Yuhuan and gently said, “You claim that after he handed you the handkerchief, your hand turned like this, but his hands are fine. Besides, the handkerchief was originally yours. Therefore, your words are hardly convincing.”


This is exactly how it happened!


—Yi Yuhuan roared inwardly.


But the pain left her unable to utter a sound. Cold sweat beaded on her forehead as she felt her entire body, including her internal organs, trembling uncontrollably.


Cuiyu, fingering the new bracelet on her wrist, said loudly, “Maybe she was trying to harm our lady but accidentally got the poison on herself from the handkerchief!”


“Don’t talk nonsense!” Zhou Wenlian, standing three steps behind Yi Yuhuan, spoke up in her defense.


“Humph,” Cuiyu rolled her eyes. “Whether or not you were targeting our lady, everyone here can see with their own eyes who is at fault.”


You Yuji looked at Yi Yuhuan’s hand and spoke gently again, “Miss Yi, you should find a doctor first.”


Lin Yingying, with an exaggerated tone, praised, “Sister is so kind and generous!”


“Let’s go,” You Yuji said, turning away.


Under the veil, Si Que coldly glanced at Zhou Wenlian and Liu Yaping, memorizing their faces.


Yi Yuhuan knew better than anyone that her handkerchief wasn’t poisoned; it had only passed through Si Que’s hands. She couldn’t let Si Que, the culprit, go unpunished!


“Stop!” Yi Yuhuan reached to grab Si Que.


Si Que dodged to the side, causing Yi Yuhuan, already unsteady from the pain, to stumble toward a nearby table. Her maid had just run out to fetch a doctor, so no one was there to support her. Her injured hand struck the table, and her black, rotting fingers broke off upon impact, burning and corroding a part of the pear wood table.


Si Que glanced back and calmly advised, “Your hand has rotted to the back. If you don’t cut it off soon, your whole body might rot away.”


After speaking, the kind-hearted Si Que turned and walked toward You Yuji.


There was a clinic nearby, and Yi Yuhuan’s maid quickly brought a doctor over.


“Move aside! Move aside! Everyone, clear the way!”


The elderly doctor, dragged along by Yi Yuhuan’s maid, hurried over, barely able to keep his footing. Seeing Yi Yuhuan’s hand from a distance, he urgently said, “Amputate! Quickly! If you delay, it will be too late!”


A sword was drawn immediately, followed by Yi Yuhuan’s sharp scream. She fainted on the spot, and the crowd erupted in noise.


“What kind of poison is this? I’ve never seen such a strange poison in my life.”


“Indeed, I’ve never heard of it.”


“This kind of poison… could it be from that place?”


You Yuji had chosen jade accessories for Cuiyu, Lin Yingying, and Chunxing, but she hadn’t yet picked anything for Si Que. She entered a jade shop next door to continue her search. However, the commotion outside made it impossible to focus on selecting anything.


Forget it, she thought, I’ll pick something next time.


“It’s getting late, and we should eat something. I’ve heard that the Zhenxiu Restaurant in Baifu Alley nearby is quite good. Let’s go there for dinner before heading back to the mansion,” You Yuji suggested.


In a private room on the second floor, Chen Qi stood by the window, watching You Yuji enter a jade shop and quickly come out again, leading her group out of Qingya Residence. His gaze followed her until she disappeared from sight.


Although Yi Yuhuan and her companions had mocked You Yuji, which You Yuji herself didn’t care about, it made Chen Qi feel particularly uncomfortable.


Once again, he wondered, if he had spoken up to express his desire to marry her when the marriage was arranged, could he have spared her today’s humiliation?


He couldn’t help but recall what Fang Qingyi had told him that day.


Chen Qi slowly furrowed his brow.


The guards reported the events downstairs to Emperor Chen. After pondering for a moment, he said, “This poison is intriguing. Investigate it thoroughly. If it really comes from the Poison Pavilion, it’s a good opportunity to uncover its secrets.”


“Return to the palace,” Emperor Chen said, rising to his feet.


Prince Pinghuai followed him out. Seeing Chen Qi still standing at the window, lost in thought, he lightly coughed. Chen Qi snapped out of it and hurriedly caught up.



You Yuji never expected that upon arriving at Zhenxiu Restaurant, she would encounter Chen Anzhi. Although she didn’t see Chen Anzhi, she did spot his servant, Wangjiang.


Since they were already there, she decided to stay. You Yuji guessed that Chen Anzhi must be upstairs, so she led her group to sit on the first floor instead of going up to the private rooms.


Wangjiang also noticed You Yuji and her companions. He approached and greeted them respectfully. You Yuji told him to carry on, and he smartly bowed before heading upstairs to inform Chen Anzhi of You Yuji and several concubines’ presence.


Chen Anzhi was not alone today; he was with three young noblemen he often associated with.


“Brother Sun, did you really get the divine steed Mo Ping in Zhao State?” This was already Chen Anzhi’s third time asking Sun Guangliang.


The best horses came from Zhao State, and the horse Mo Ping was considered the finest among them.


Chen Anzhi had a deep love for fine horses.


“Of course. I’ve already sent my servant to bring it from the estate. Don’t be impatient, Your Highness,” Sun Guangliang replied with a smile.


One of the young noblemen said worriedly, “I heard that the horse Mo Ping is very wild and hard to tame. Brother Sun, have you tamed this horse?”


Another young nobleman added, “This is a bustling area. If the horse is too wild, we should be cautious.”


Before Sun Guangliang could respond, Chen Anzhi interjected eagerly, “No worries, there are people watching it. There won’t be any problems.”


Chen Anzhi was impatient to see the horse Mo Ping, and Sun Guangliang had sent his servant to bring it only because of his eagerness. He didn’t want Sun Guangliang to change his mind.


At this moment, Wangjiang came up to report, “Your Highness, Madam and several concubines happened to come to Zhenxiu Restaurant as well. They are dining downstairs.”


Chen Anzhi frowned, displeased with women showing themselves in public. He asked, “All the concubines are here?”


“All except Concubine Fang,” Wangjiang replied.


Hearing that Si Que was also there, Chen Anzhi was a bit surprised. He recalled seeing Si Que and You Yuji together a few times and had heard that they were on good terms. He was somewhat concerned that You Yuji might lead Si Que astray.


He then realized that only his cousin hadn’t come out with them, leading him to blame You Yuji for her lack of consideration.


The neigh of a horse snapped Chen Anzhi out of his thoughts.


The group hurried downstairs to see the fine horse from Zhao State.


Sun Guangliang’s servant struggled to control the horse’s reins, obviously having a hard time keeping the animal in check.


Chen Anzhi’s eyes lit up as he saw the horse from afar, quickening his pace.


Sun Guangliang glanced around and noticed You Yuji’s table in a corner by the entrance. He looked at You Yuji for a moment, knowing her to be the future princess consort, untouchable by his desires. His gaze then shifted to Cuiyu.


—Last time he had visited Chen Anzhi’s estate, he had composed a poem praising Cuiyu.


Chen Anzhi stood by the horse, lovingly stroking its chestnut mane. He turned to Sun Guangliang and said, “Would Brother Sun be willing to part with it? The price is negotiable.”


Sun Guangliang thought for a moment and then smiled, saying, “Talented scholars have traded concubines for fine horses. Could the prince emulate this?”


Hearing the word “concubine,” Wangjiang froze for a moment and immediately glanced back at Chunxing, who was quietly sitting in the corner.


Chen Anzhi also paused.


Sun Guangliang looked back and said, “The one in the apricot-colored dress has caught my eye.”


So it was Cuiyu? Wangjiang retracted his gaze.


The other two young noblemen laughed and chimed in—


“Brother Sun is making a great sacrifice.”


“Only the prince could have this privilege. We wouldn’t stand a chance.”


A concubine was considered worth less than a horse. Trading a concubine for a horse was deemed a good deal.


Chen Anzhi frowned and remained silent.


The accident happened in an instant.


Sun Guangliang’s servant momentarily lost focus, and the horse reared up, kicking the servant to the ground, and the reins slipped from his hands. The now unrestrained horse began to run wildly through the bustling market.


The busy street erupted in screams as people hurried to escape. Some fell and scrambled to get up, while others were trampled by those behind them. Street vendors abandoned their stalls, watching helplessly as the mad horse trampled their goods, feeling heartbroken.


In the middle of the now-empty street, a little girl with a braided hairstyle stood, holding a candied hawthorn stick, curiously watching the approaching horse.


“Ma, big horse!” she said in her childish voice, unaware of the impending danger.


The onlookers gasped in worry, helplessly watching as the chestnut horse charged toward the little girl.


A figure in purple dashed out from the crowd, leaping lightly onto an overturned cart, and mounted the horse with agility.


The horse’s hooves were about to trample the girl, but they were suddenly yanked upwards, forcing the horse’s back into a straight line.


The horse neighed furiously, trying to shake off the rider. You Yuji held tightly to the reins, preventing herself from being thrown off.


Her cloud-like hair came loose.



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