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Bringing Good Luck to My Ex-Fiancé’s Uncle Chapter 16

The Bridal Chamber


Ji Yueming took two steps back after speaking, twirling the letter in her hand, and smiled, “This letter should have been delivered to Fifth Aunt three months ago. Unfortunately, at that time, something happened in her family, and I couldn’t find you. I thought this letter would remain in my hands forever, but unexpectedly, fate made us a family, and I finally have the chance to hand this letter to you personally.”


Ji Yueming held the letter and extended it toward Gu Jianli.


The familiar lotus design on the envelope stirred a sense of recognition in Gu Jianli. Memories of her youth flashed by, and she recalled the letter’s sender. Since the beginning of the year, she had often received letters bearing this pattern. The sender was a learned scholar named Jiang. These letters couldn’t be openly delivered to the palace, so Mr. Jiang had various people bring them to Gu Jianli.


Gu Jianli had seen many of these letters and had always returned them unopened.


Mr. Jiang had troubled several of Gu Jianli’s friends, causing her quite a bit of distress. She hesitated for a long time and was just about to inform her father to stop Mr. Jiang’s actions when her father met with an accident.


Gu Jianli didn’t take the letter Ji Yueming handed her. She looked directly at Ji Yueming and asked, “Is this why Sister Ming doesn’t like Fifth Aunt?”


“What?” Ji Yueming was stunned.


Seeing the expression on Ji Yueming’s face confirmed Gu Jianli’s suspicion.


Gu Jianli’s eyes, filled with the composed elegance of Anjing, slowly spoke, “Sister Ming, you and I have known each other since we were young. You know that before my father’s accident, I enjoyed the benefits of his power and my mother’s beauty, attracting many marriage proposals. I am also ashamed to have received undeserved praise from some scholars.”


Ji Yueming was bewildered by this. What did she mean? How could someone shamelessly praise themselves for having wealth, power, and beauty, thus attracting many suitors?


Gu Jianli paused, her tone becoming slightly firmer: “But now I have become your Fifth Aunt, and delivering such letters from those scholars is inappropriate. Sister Ming, you are no longer young, you should know what is appropriate and what is not. You call me Fifth Aunt, which makes me your elder, so naturally, I won’t hold this against you. But if it were someone else, they would be angry with you and blame you for causing trouble.”


Gu Jianli gently pursed her lips, revealing a faint smile, and softened her tone: “I will not hold a grudge against you, child.”


Ji Yueming was so suffocated by Gu Jianli’s elder-like demeanor that she felt a lump in her chest. Child? She was the same age as Gu Jianli, if not three months older! Ji Yueming took a deep breath, forced a smile, and said, “According to Fifth Aunt, I am meddling today. But who knows if Fifth Aunt’s words are sincere? Mr. Jiang is full of literary talent, doesn’t Fifth Aunt want to see the deep affection in this letter?”


“How does Sister Ming know what’s written in this letter?” Gu Jianli countered.




Gu Jianli slightly lowered her eyes, a hint of contempt surfacing subtly. She spoke nonchalantly, “Besides, Sister Ming, there’s no need to think Mr. Jiang is so talented. He is just an average scholar who has read a few books. But it’s normal for you to not recognize true talent while waiting to be married. Anyway, your family will guide you in your future marriage and ensure you don’t go astray.”


“You!” Ji Yueming’s face turned red, unsure if it was out of shame or anger.


The Jiang Lang she had been pining for was actually dismissed by Gu Jianli as a mere mediocre scholar!


Ji Yueming struggled to suppress the anger that was about to explode from her head, gritting her teeth as she questioned, “A mediocre scholar? Then in Fifth Aunt’s opinion, who is a true scholar?”


Gu Jianli replied earnestly, “Your Fifth Uncle, of course.”


Ji Wujing, who had been watching the argument between the two girls with amusement, burst into laughter. He beckoned Ji Yueming over. She hesitated but then cautiously approached Ji Wujing, “Fifth Uncle?”


Ji Wujing pointed to the red cloak she was wearing and said, “Take that off.”


Ji Yueming was puzzled for a moment. Why did her Fifth Uncle want the new cloak she had just tailored? Though confused, she complied. The cloak was a vibrant red, with the hood trimmed with a fluffy ring of white rabbit fur.


Taking the red cloak, Ji Wujing used the armrest of his wheelchair to support himself as he stood up. Gu Jianli hurried over in two steps to help him.


Ji Wujing shook out the cloak and, to Ji Yueming’s shock, draped it over Gu Jianli. Not only was Ji Yueming stunned, but Gu Jianli was also quite surprised.


Ji Wujing placed the hood over Gu Jianli’s head. The fluffy white fur framed her face, accentuating her creamy complexion and beautiful features.


“Hmm, looks good. Looks better on her than on you,” Ji Wujing said earnestly.


“Fifth Uncle…” Ji Yueming’s eyes reddened instantly. No longer wanting to stay and endure the humiliation, she stomped her foot and ran out.


Gu Jianli pulled the hood down and said, “This is Sister Ming’s garment!”


Ji Wujing put the hood back on her and scoffed, “Once I take it, it’s mine. Besides, she gave it to me willingly.”


“You are so unreasonable…” Gu Jianli muttered, her voice lowering as she turned away.


Ji Wujing leaned lazily, watching Gu Jianli’s red cloak flutter. Hmm, beautiful, truly beautiful.


Ji Yueming went straight to the Second Madam. As soon as she entered the room, she cried out, “Second Aunt,” and collapsed, sobbing, on the Second Madam’s lap.


“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you wearing your new cloak?”


At the mention of her new cloak, Ji Yueming cried even harder. After a while, when she had somewhat calmed down, she angrily said, “That Gu Jianli, who usually doesn’t say much, really knows how to stab people in the heart with her words. She’s driving me mad!”


The Second Madam understood that her niece had been wronged by Gu Jianli. She consoled her, “No need to win a war of words. Your aunt is angrier than you about that household. Do you think my Fengxian deserved to die like that?”


When the Second Madam mentioned Zhao Fengxian, Ji Yueming’s eyes flickered, and she asked, “Second Aunt, what do you plan to do? Are you just going to let it go?”


“What can I do?” The Second Madam sighed. “Your grandmother has already advised me. Your Fifth Uncle has the Xuan Sha Order. Even if he is a prince, he has the authority to execute first and report later. Sending him to the Dali Temple? Who among those people at the Dali Temple would dare to touch him? They’d be lucky if he didn’t kill them first! Compared to Fengxian, I am more worried about Xuanke now.”


“Third Brother doesn’t know yet that Gu Jianli married Fifth Uncle, does he? He’ll be back in a few days,” Ji Yueming remarked.


The Second Madam nodded and, after a moment of silence, added, “That girl from the Ye family will be coming along as well.”


“Sister Ye?” Ji Yueming was puzzled. “She made such a scene breaking off the engagement with Fifth Uncle that the whole of Anjing knew about it. How does she dare come to our house again?”


“I heard her marriage didn’t go well, and she initiated a divorce…”


“What is she planning to do now? She despised Fifth Uncle back then, and now he’s in a worse state than before. She surely wouldn’t come looking for him again,” Ji Yueming shook her head in disbelief.


The Second Madam remained silent. She couldn’t fathom why Ye Yunyue was coming, but she knew Ye Yunyue was resourceful and far more cunning than ten Ji Yuemings combined.


At dinner time, Gu Jianli found a large cloak for Ji Wujing, helped him put it on, and pushed his wheelchair to the main hall for a small family reunion dinner. Ji Xinglou and Ji Xinglan, the two children, also dressed in little cotton-padded jackets, followed behind. The path was slippery with snow, and Nanny Lin wanted to carry them, but the two children refused. They obediently followed Ji Wujing on either side, their eyes fixed forward, behaving like little dolls.


Normally, at such family gatherings, men and women would sit separately, and seating would be according to rank. However, at the Guangping Marquis’s residence, each family had their own table. Gu Jianli, Ji Wujing, and the two children had a table to themselves, enjoying the tranquility. Other tables were lively with conversation, but Gu Jianli focused on serving food to the children, not participating in the chatter. As for Ji Wujing, he ignored everyone else, concentrating solely on eating his fish as soon as he sat down.


“Jianli, Old Fifth  likes peace and quiet, but are you short-staffed?” The Old Madam suddenly spoke up.


Everyone in the room turned to the table in the farthest corner.


Gu Jianli understood that the Old Madam’s intention to assign staff was purposeful. She put down her chopsticks and replied politely, “We are a bit short-handed, but it’s my fault. When I arrived a few days ago, my maid had some family matters to attend to, so I let her handle those first. She’ll come over after the New Year.”


The Old Madam smiled and said, “That’s fine. However, you don’t have enough servants in the courtyard. There’s only Changsheng. I’ll assign someone to you. You know him, and I’ve heard he took good care of you during your difficult times. Having him around will give you peace of mind.”


A figure walked in, stooping low. Even with his head bowed, his shifty eyes darted around.


It was Zhao Erwang, the rascal who used to climb walls.


The Old Madam smiled and said, “His old name wasn’t very nice. You can give him a new one.”


Gu Jianli realized what was happening. First Jiang Lang in the afternoon, now Zhao Erwang. The family was determined to tarnish her reputation. Gu Jianli almost laughed in anger. The Guangping Marquis’s residence had even taken in a thug like this, a level of behavior beyond common understanding.


Having been on edge every day since her marriage, constantly vigilant, Gu Jianli suddenly felt weary.


A sudden “clatter” broke the silence—it was the sound of chopsticks falling to the ground.


Gu Jianli looked up, shocked to see Ji Wujing leaning back in his chair, his face pale. His eyes were closed, and he looked to be in great pain.


“Fifth Master!” Gu Jianli exclaimed in a panic, quickly standing up.


Everyone else in the room also jumped up in alarm.


Ji Wujing’s voice was hoarse, “Take me back.”


Gu Jianli responded immediately, ignoring everyone else in the hall, and quickly pushed Ji Wujing out. She was thinking that Ji Wujing must have caught a chill in the afternoon breeze and decided to have Changsheng call for a doctor as soon as they returned to their quarters.


However, as soon as they got back, Ji Wujing stood up from his wheelchair by holding onto the armrest and walked straight to the bed. Gu Jianli stood at the doorway, staring at Ji Wujing in shock, unable to react.


Ji Wujing lazily leaned against the bedhead, lifting his eyelids slightly, “Go get me another plate of fish.”


His face was still pale from illness, but there was no trace of the pain he had shown just moments ago.


Gu Jianli’s lips moved slightly, “You…”


“Faked it,” Ji Wujing scoffed arrogantly, “Dealing with those fools in such a beautiful setting is boring. I’d rather do something fun.”


Feeling somewhat irritated at being deceived herself, Gu Jianli asked in a sullen tone, “What kind of fun?”


Ji Wujing’s eyes sparkled as he raised his brow, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, “For example… consummating our marriage?”



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