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Cat A is also an Alpha! Chapter 2

Tiger Descending the Mountain (Part 2)


The family doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with Shu Tang not looking like an omega or having a beta-like personality, nor do they feel ashamed of having an alpha like Shu Tang—because to this day, Shu Tang’s parents still often forget she’s an alpha.


A few months ago, Shu Tang was matched with an omega by the federation.


The family was very pleased with the match, not because the matched individual came from a well-off family, but because the person was said to be so fragile that a breeze could knock them over, and their personality was also very gentle, even among omegas considered weak and unable to care for themselves.


Indeed, the family unanimously thinks: Shu Tang shouldn’t marry a dominant partner, because she could easily be bullied.


Shu Tang has corrected them countless times: No, I am the one who marries!


But no one listens to her.


The omega matched to Shu Tang seems to have serious psychic damage, and coincidentally, they are hospitalized at Cape Sanatorium.


You should know that omegas are well-protected, and it’s very difficult to even get a glimpse of them.


So, knowing that the other party is hospitalized at Cape Sanatorium, Shu Tang was urged to go “meet” them.


Shu Tang also thinks there is no time to delay and decides to meet them.




Today, Shu Tang plans to go and dissolve their genetic match.


Holding her umbrella, she walks along the path toward the depths of Cape Sanatorium.


Cape Sanatorium, categorized by the level of danger, is divided into Zone 1 to 11. Shu Tang worked in the emergency department of Zone 11.


During her three months of internship at the hospital, apart from the emergency department, she had only been to the cafeteria and the supermarket. This was her first visit to another area.


Zone 1 is completely separate from the others and is closer to the seaside. The tall buildings look gloomy and oppressive in the storm, densely packed soldiers in black are patrolling, and people are hastily retreating outside, everything orderly and strictly guarded.


Even the outer entrance was guarded by rows of soldiers.


Shu Tang thought this was too exaggerated.


She took out her access card marked “01” and walked in.



Chen Sheng was frowning at the time—


At this moment, 15 minutes had passed since the air raid alarm.


Chen Sheng, a colonel transferred from the military, had previously served as a secretary in the Founder’s secretariat. As a loyal confidant, he was among the few who were privy to certain information.


Upon hearing that there was a problem at Cape Sanatorium, he immediately dropped his duties, submitted a report, and transferred to South Island City to take over the security operations of the restricted areas in Cape Sanatorium.


Fifteen minutes after the air raid alarm in the restricted area, all medical and staff personnel in Zone 01 had been urgently evacuated, leaving only the special forces.


Experts from Yan City had also urgently positioned themselves, signing a life and death agreement, ready to enter the restricted area.


However, one expert from Yan City, for some unknown reason, had not arrived yet.


Chen Sheng was anxiously waiting when he looked up and saw someone in a white coat.


A stark white amidst a sea of black.


She handed over her access card, and Chen Sheng quickly glanced at it, wanting to quickly bring this expert inside, but hesitated upon seeing her appearance because the girl looked too much like an omega.


Delicate and petite.


However, he quickly noticed the work badge clipped to her white coat, with an SSS-grade psychic power level, which reassured him.


Chen Sheng: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, let’s go in quickly.”


During this time, all the alphas going to the restricted area looked pale, even if they were wearing the highest-end protective shields from the research institute and sitting in helicopters, it could not alleviate their fear.


However, Shu Tang’s calmness impressed Chen Sheng.


He hurriedly led her inside while asking, “Aren’t you nervous?”


Shu Tang thought the enthusiastic staff member leading the way had been sent by her blind date, so she followed along.


Hearing this, Shu Tang was about to say she wasn’t nervous, but then she thought, considering today was technically a blind date, wouldn’t it be impolite to not be a bit nervous?


She politely allowed herself a moment of nervousness: “A little.”


After awakening, Subject 001 visited countless probes and helicopters, none of which returned.


The danger of the restricted area was imaginable. If it weren’t for the emergency, they wouldn’t send a therapist expert to go in personally.


This morning, all the experts had signed a military order that disregarded life and death. Even the strongest alphas couldn’t avoid delays on their way, but Shu Tang proceeded without hesitation, constantly checking her watch as if more anxious than Mr. Chen.


Mr. Chen then asked, “Aren’t you going to wear a protective suit?”


Shu Tang replied, “No need.”


Wearing a protective suit to a blind date would be too awkward.


At her words, Mr. Chen held back further comment.


But time was short, and Mr. Chen didn’t want to waste words, quickly leading her through the corridor.


There would be protective suits in the restricted area anyway; they could still put them on when necessary.


As Shu Tang hurried along, she thought about what to say when meeting the person.


Today’s “blind date” was actually meant for Shu Tang to seek a dissolution of their genetic match.


It wasn’t that she found the other person undesirable, but rather, Shu Tang had a severe defect: she couldn’t smell pheromones.


At her eighteenth-year medical exam, the doctor had patted her on the shoulder, urging her to stay strong.


Shu Tang: ?


Translated, the problem meant: frigidity.


In the world of ABO dynamics, pheromones are not only indicators of sexual attraction between different sexes but also a display of dominance among the same sex.


All alphas relish sending a shiver through the room by overpowering others with their strong pheromones. A strong alpha just needs to release their potent pheromones, and weaker alphas around them will obediently show submission.


But Shu Tang was an exception; she was like a walking shield.


She neither received the sweet pheromones of omegas nor was she sensitive to other alphas expressing their emotions through pheromones. It was as if in the era of 5G, she was still using a 2G pager.


Often, when others tried to intimidate her with pheromones—


— One day later.


Shu Tang before going to sleep at night: What? He attacked me?


It’s evident that not being able to receive signals can have its advantages.


Shu Tang even felt that her inability to detect pheromones was a benefit. However, recalling the doctor’s insistence that she be strong, as if she had an incurable disease, Shu Tang also vaguely realized:


This might be a serious issue.


The doctor said there was nothing physically wrong with Shu Tang; her inability to smell pheromones was probably psychological.


Shu Tang agreed with this diagnosis.


As a normal girl of the 21st century, raised under the red flag, she had been as close as sisters with omegas and indistinguishable from betas for many years. Yet, she found it difficult to feel romantic love towards fragile omegas.


Shu Tang did not intend to hide her flaws, nor did she plan to marry.


Thinking this, Shu Tang had already been led to the end of the corridor.


The elevator doors opened, and several alphas were already inside.


They were tall, had a strong presence, and their faces were each paler than the next.


As Shu Tang, with her ruddy complexion, entered, they took several extra glances at her.


But since they were strangers, no one struck up a conversation.


Shu Tang always felt as though the elevator kept sinking, sinking, and was unusually slow.


Inside, Shu Tang felt they were all looking at her, but she was used to being scrutinized and didn’t find it strange.


Perhaps because the wait for the elevator to arrive was too long, the alphas started chatting.


Shu Tang listened with one ear but didn’t understand.


After all, she was just a junior intern, so it was normal not to understand the seniors’ topics.


But then the alphas suddenly all looked at her.


It was Shu Tang’s turn to speak.


Shu Tang: “The rain is really heavy today.”


Alphas: “…”


The elevator fell silent for a moment.


The alphas responded:


“The weather in South Island City is indeed bad.”


“It’s always like this by the sea.”


Soon, another a spoke up, “What’s your spirit animal?”


The robust black-skinned man on the left: “Black panther.”


The muscular, cool guy in white on the right: “Bengal tiger.”


The tall sister in the front: “Lion.”


After everyone had reported, they all turned uniformly to look at the shortest one among them.


Shu Tang had been mingling in the a group for many years, and being cute often made her a target of exclusion. Among the alphas, the law of the jungle was brutal, but luckily, the clever Shu Tang had learned early on how to thrive among the alphas. Especially when it came to the topic of spirit animals, which strong alphas often used to bully and disdain the weaker ones, she had ample experience in handling such situations.


Shu Tang responded nonchalantly with diplomatic vagueness:


“Just like you all, I belong to the Felidae too, but my spirit animal is orange-colored.”


The surrounding alphas withdrew their gaze, understanding.


—Amur tiger.


Truly, appearances are deceiving among alphas.


Being a little smaller is understandable; small size, strong burst of power;


Looking cute might be a tactic to confuse enemies.


Shu Tang stood among the many powerful big feline predators, head held high, chest out.


An orange cat is still a Felidae after all!


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not work with dark mode