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Rebirth in the Interstellar Meow Meow Meow Chapter 73

Big Brother's Star Beast Form


Ruan Shu strained to straighten her small body. Her head was being tousled so wildly during the hair drying that she was almost dizzy. Finally, Big Brother stopped his rough hair-drying mode.




“I’ll do it myself!”


Ruan Shu quickly turned around, embracing the hairdryer with both hands, a rare display of courage.


“Big Brother, I can do it myself.”


Otherwise, she feared her fluffy tail would be painfully yanked by Big Brother!


Ruan Fengsi said, “… Alright, do it yourself.”


He got up to leave, also needing to wash and change clothes.


After Big Brother left, Ruan Shu dried her tail while surveying his room.


Ruan Fengsi’s room was primarily dark-colored, simply and neatly arranged, looking spotless thanks to a cleaning robot.


There was a large display shelf in the bedroom, unsurprisingly filled with various mechanical models.


There was also a partitioned area in the bedroom, the door closed, hiding its contents. Ruan Shu, though curious like a cat, was too timid to peek.


After drying her tail, the white fur became fluffier.


She took out a small comb, gently straightening the fur on her tail, carefully untangling any knots.


Finally, she achieved a fluffy, soft, and ethereal cat tail, which she adored, happily rubbing it against her face.


As the bathroom door opened, Ruan Shu was shocked to see a huge black tiger, with horns on its head, stepping out.


Ruan Shu “!!!”


Her eyes were wide with astonishment.


This black tiger was at least two meters tall, immensely imposing! Its entrance was incredibly commanding, very much like Big Brother!


This was probably just the Star Beast’s normal beast form. On the battlefield, Star Beasts could grow even larger, big enough that a villa wouldn’t contain them.


Under Ruan Shu’s gaze, the black tiger, with a powerful and majestic stride, walked out.


Having seen her brother Qingran’s beast form, Ruan Shu took a few seconds to recognize him.


“Big Brother?”


The black Qilin Tiger nodded with a swish of its tail, its massive paws thudding on the floor as it walked over.


He liked to sleep in his beast form, finding satisfaction in occupying the entire large bed.


Ruan Shu watched the Qilin Tiger approaching, her blue eyes filled with nervousness and curiosity.




The black Qilin Tiger let out a low growl as it approached her, then leaped onto the bed.


Although the bed is large, the Qilin tiger is even heavier. The whole bed trembles under his weight.


Fortunately, this bed was custom-made for him, so there’s no chance of it collapsing.


Being squeezed next to such a big, furry creature, Ruan Shu didn’t dare to move, her body slightly stiff.


But soon, she was nudged by the big cat. A large, furry face with horns approached her, its eyes seemingly asking why she wasn’t ready to sleep.


Ruan Shu relaxed a bit, then cautiously called out “Big brother?”


The black Qilin tiger looked at her, its furry face naturally expressive.


“What’s up?”


Ruan Shu’s eyes curved, “Big brother, you’re so huge.”


Thinking about her own beast form, she probably wasn’t even as big as big brother’s paw.


Initially tense, Ruan Shu felt more relaxed seeing such a big, furry creature. She even boldly touched his leg.


But she quickly retracted her little paw, feeling a bit guilty. She sneakily glanced at big brother, thinking he hadn’t noticed!


Ruan Fengsi ignored her small movements, nudging the little bun to go to sleep quickly.


Facing such a large, majestic black tiger, Ruan Shu, a lover of fluffy things, gradually forgot about big brother’s fierce human form.


Feeling braver, she wagged her tail, moving closer, intending to stealthily touch him again. Then, unexpectedly, she was scooped up into the big tiger’s arms, who took a deep breath with a purr.


In her previous life, humans petted cats, but now it’s completely the cat petting the human cub.


Ruan Shu was stunned for a moment, lying on the big black tiger’s neck, still looking tiny.


She struggled for a while before giving up, finding it quite comfortable.


After a while, Ruan Shu yawned, feeling sleepy on the soft, big cat.


In a daze, she nuzzled into the Qilin tiger’s neck, falling asleep quickly, feeling more secure than when she slept alone.


Ruan Fengsi listened to the soft breathing next to his ear. Looking down, the little one’s body leaned against him, her small, pale hands loosely placed near her cheek, her fluffy tail curled up on his legs, very quiet.


So well-behaved.


Ruan Fengsi’s tail tip curled, and he gently licked Ruan Shu’s forehead with his soft tongue, also falling asleep quickly.


They slept until 11 o’clock the next day.


Ruan Shu, feeling very secure, slept longer than usual, waking up feeling exceptionally good.


Half-awake, she instinctively rubbed her head against the thing she was sleeping on.


Realizing something was amiss, she felt around with her hand. Ah, this… doesn’t seem like a pillow.


The silly little rice ball thought, sitting up to look.


Such a big black cat!


A huge black tiger, occupying almost the entire big bed, opened its eyes. 


Those were beautiful eyes, like obsidian, with a faint golden shimmer in their depths, attractive and profound. 


Ruan Fengsi glanced at the child sitting and staring at him dumbfounded. 


Hmm? Not fully awake yet? 


He leaned his head over and gently nudged, although he thought his movement was very light, a little rice ball almost got toppled over. 


Ruan Shu hurriedly grabbed the fur on its body to stabilize herself.




Softly calling out ‘brother’, Ruan Shu gazed at him with big eyes. 


Xiaomi then came in, “Shu Shu, it’s time to eat, it’s already eleven o’clock!” 


Ruan Shu’s eyes widened, “Eleven o’clock!” 


Ruan Fengsi shook his tail and jumped off the bed in one step. 


When he transformed into a human, he wore a black nightgown, with distinct, deep facial features, and a tall and perfect figure. 


Having had a good sleep, Ruan Fengsi looked energetic and ready to fight, even the stubble on his chin somehow seemed sexy. 


“Go wash up.” 


Ruan Shu obediently nodded, realizing she was also brought over by her big brother without wearing slippers, so she hopped onto the floor. 


The dark floor made her little feet look even whiter. 


“Bye-bye, big brother.” 


Politely saying goodbye, just about to walk out the door, her clothes were suddenly caught by a large hand. 


Then she was lifted into the air, the little bundle in the young man’s arms. 


Ruan Shu grabbed the clothes in front of her big brother’s chest, looking up with her overly delicate little face. 


“Big brother.” 


Ruan Fengsi carried the overly light child in one arm and walked outside, “Don’t run around barefoot, do you need to change your medicine?” 


Ruan Shu subconsciously curled her toes, “Maybe?” 


She wasn’t sure herself. 


Ruan Fengsi called her “Silly.” 


As he spoke, Ruan Shu felt a large, warm hand gently press down on her fluffy head, flattening her already messy hair even more. 


Ruan Shu struggled, feeling her brother’s hand was bigger than her head, unable to escape. 



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