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The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine Chapter 32


Liufeng was carrying tea upstairs when she was stopped by Tingyun. Liufeng looked at Tingyun in confusion and asked, “What’s wrong?”


Tingyun shook her head and whispered, “From now on, when Madam comes, don’t go upstairs without her orders.”


Liufeng blinked, thought about it for a moment on the stairs, and then smiled, happily carrying the tea back downstairs.


In the bedroom upstairs, You Yuji sat on the edge of the bed, trying to push away unpleasant memories. She looked up at Si Que in front of her and asked gently, “Is your health alright?”


“Don’t worry, sister, I’m still taking the medicine. It won’t affect the child.” His tone still carried a hint of coldness despite his smile, and although he wasn’t being unkind, You Yuji sensed a difference.


You Yuji carefully observed Si Que’s expression and tentatively said, “If today is inconvenient, another day is fine.”


His response was to forcefully pull down the hanging bed curtains. He was strong, and the hooks on either side of the bed wobbled. The two green curtains slowly fell, softly piling up on You Yuji’s legs, gradually blocking their view of each other. The curtains enclosed the bed. They were so close, yet the curtain separated their sight, leaving only a faint silhouette of each other.


Si Que reached out, about to lift the curtain. His hand hovered there, and then he paused.


—After all, sister only wants a child. After all, sister won’t let him undress her or touch her elsewhere.


Si Que’s suspended hand slowly curled into a fist before he slowly lowered it, then lifted You Yuji’s legs.


Inside the curtain, You Yuji looked up in surprise at Si Que’s shadow cast on the curtain. Her rosy lips parted slightly as if to say something, but she bit her lip when she felt Si Que removing her skirt and pants. She had to lie down, turning her face to the side and burying it into the soft bedding. Her hands clenched the bedding tightly, her legs floating as if unsupported. Although they were engaged in the most intimate act, the curtain kept them from seeing each other, close yet unseen.


When Si Que let go of You Yuji, a tear slipped from the corner of her eye and fell onto the bedding beside her head.


With a “swish,” Si Que pulled open the curtain.


You Yuji was slightly stunned, hurriedly wiping away the tear at the corner of her eye. She propped herself up on the bed, then tugged at the hem of her short blouse, trying to cover the mess.


Si Que stared at You Yuji’s expression, feeling even more stifled. He asked in a muffled voice, “Sister, were you crying?”


You Yuji smiled and said, “It just hurt a little.”


She quickly added, “It’s nothing.”


Si Que hesitated, unsure of what to say. He stared at You Yuji for a while before asking, “Do you need Liufeng to come in and help you? Or call your maid?”


—He wanted to help her tidy up, but she might not want him to touch her.


You Yuji shook her head gently, smiling, “May I borrow this place to lie down for a while?”


Si Que smiled and said, “Sister, you’re being too polite.”


He turned around, avoiding looking at You Yuji.


You Yuji felt truly uncomfortable. She lay down on the bed, finally able to rest her legs on the bed. She didn’t pick up her skirt and pants that had fallen on the floor, just pulled the quilt over herself.


She only wanted to lie down for a while, but Si Que had added something to the incense to help her sleep deeply, making her sleep through until the next morning.


Si Que stood by the bed, staring at You Yuji for a long time with a dark expression before getting up and walking out. He brought back warm water and gently cleaned You Yuji.


He went downstairs and saw Baohe talking to Liufeng.


Seeing him come down, Baohe smiled and said, “Madam brought chicken soup for the princess. It’s still hot. I was just talking to Liufeng about whether to warm it up in the kitchen first. Does the princess want it now? If so, there’s no need to warm it.”


“Give it to me,” Si Que extended his hand.


Baohe quickly handed the food box to Si Que.


Si Que added, “It’s cold. Your madam won’t be going back tonight; she’ll stay here.”


Baohe nodded, not suspecting anything. After all, it wasn’t the first time You Yuji stayed here.


Si Que took the food box upstairs. He sat at the table, facing the direction of the bed. He opened the food box and took out its contents. There was not only a bowl of chicken soup that had been simmering for a long time but also two of his favorite pastries and a bottle of plum wine.


Si Que glanced at the sleeping You Yuji while he drank the chicken soup, ate the pastries, and finished the plum wine.


Leaning back against the chair, he still couldn’t shake off the irritation in his heart.



The next morning, You Yuji woke up early. She groggily opened her eyes, looking at the unfamiliar bed, and it took her a moment to realize she was in Yunxiao Courtyard.


She was surprised that she had fallen asleep here last night. She looked around and didn’t see Si Que, but noticed her skirt and pants neatly folded at the foot of the bed. She stared at them for a moment before picking them up and putting them on. She quietly got out of bed and carefully pushed open the inner door, seeing Si Que sleeping on the wooden couch in the outer room. She stood at the doorway for a moment before turning back to get a blanket.


She tiptoed to the wooden couch, gently covering Si Que with the blanket, then quietly left. She bent over as she walked out, trying not to make any noise with the beaded curtain.


Si Que opened his eyes.


He turned over, pulling the blanket that still carried her scent up and burying his face in it.


Si Que wasn’t just waking up; he had not slept all night.


He couldn’t stop thinking about that single tear from You Yuji.


It was unbearable.


Truly unbearable.


So, after having breakfast, like the other concubines, he unusually went to Tanxiang Yingyue to pay respects to You Yuji.


The other three concubines were very curious to see Si Que as well.


“Well, well, who is this? Coming to pay respects to sister?” Cuiyu instinctively used her talent for sarcastic remarks.


Si Que ignored her, looking toward You Yuji, who was sitting in a wide circular chair.


She was dressed in a light purple gown, sitting back in the large chair, with a snow-white plush blanket over her legs. A small hand warmer with a double bird cloud pattern was on her lap, not held in her hands. Instead, she was holding a picture book.


Seeing Si Que arrive, You Yuji was also a bit surprised. She put aside her embroidery patterns for the moment and smiled warmly at him, “Come and sit.”


Si Que walked over to You Yuji and sat down in the chair beside her.


Zhenxu immediately brought hot tea.


You Yuji lowered her eyes, her gaze falling on the picture book in her hands. Thinking Si Que might be lonely at Yunxiao Courtyard, she said gently, “If you’re free in the morning, come sit with us. It’s good to chat with everyone.”


Si Que’s eyes followed You Yuji’s, looking at the book in her hands. A quick glance revealed festive patterns, the kind used for wedding embroidery.


Seeing him look over, You Yuji explained softly, “Yingying’s younger sister is getting married soon. They’re helping with some needlework. But you probably don’t know how to do these.”


Si Que didn’t say anything. He drank half a cup of hot tea, driving away the cold from his body. Si Que couldn’t tell if it was the tea warming him up or being closer to his sister that made him feel warmer.


Bored, Si Que picked up the picture book and flipped through it to pass the time. Even if he wasn’t talking to You Yuji, just being near her relieved his inner distress.


Lin Yingying glanced curiously at Si Que, then went back to making a wedding dress for her sister.


After a while, Cuiyu finally said the words she had been holding in all morning, somewhat awkwardly, “Sister, in a few days it will be the Lantern Festival. Shall we go out together?”


“Alright,” You Yuji responded softly. She always tried to fulfill the small wishes of the concubines.


Cuiyu immediately smiled with joy. Although she had guessed You Yuji would agree, she had been nervous all morning. Hearing her agree so readily, she was genuinely happy.


Lin Yingying smiled with crescent eyes, “Can we all go?”


“Of course,” You Yuji nodded with a smile.


Lin Yingying, always quick with sweet words, called out “good sister” several times in a row, drawing a glance from Si Que.


Si Que looked away and continued flipping through the pattern book in boredom. As he turned the page, he suddenly saw an illustration of an open-crotch pants. His face darkened instantly, and he asked coldly, “Why is this here?”


You Yuji followed the sound and glanced at the pattern book, then looked at Si Que, pursing her lips without speaking.


Lin Yingying stretched her neck to look and laughed, “Princess, you don’t know this? It’s part of a bride’s dowry.”


Si Que found it unbelievable and disdainfully put the picture aside.


Cuiyu, feeling pleased to know something the princess didn’t, straightened her back with a scholarly air. “Princess, you don’t understand. This is to show consideration for the groom, in case he gets too excited seeing a beauty for the first time and becomes embarrassed and inexperienced.”


Si Que glanced at You Yuji and said slowly, “What a ridiculous thing.”


Cuiyu continued with a smile, “It’s for young grooms who are inexperienced or those who seem physically weak. If he’s capable, he can tear it off himself and enjoy to his heart’s content.”


She couldn’t help but laugh after speaking. Coming from a brothel background, she was used to speaking frankly about such matters. Lin Yingying, also accustomed to this, didn’t react, but Chunxing was visibly uncomfortable, almost unable to sit still.


Si Que kept his eyes on You Yuji. He asked, “So, sister didn’t forbid me.”


You Yuji looked up at him, clearly not understanding his half-spoken question.


Si Que, with his back to the others, stared into her eyes.


They locked eyes for a long moment, and You Yuji seemed to suddenly grasp his meaning. She was startled, nearly dropping the hand warmer she was holding.


Lady Jing came out from the inner room and reported, “Madam, the account books have been delivered and are in the inner room. Would you like to look at them now or should I bring them here?”


You Yuji, wanting to escape Si Que’s gaze, said, “I’ll go to the inner room to look at them now.”


She asked the concubines to stay seated and quickly went into the inner room.


Si Que’s eyes followed her retreating figure.


He recalled how You Yuji had repeatedly asked him if stopping the medication would harm his body, how she had subtly urged him to hurry, how she had gently inquired about his health, and the quilt she had draped over him this morning.


It turned out, she didn’t mean it that way.


It turned out, she was just thinking of him, worried about his health, unable to say it directly. She didn’t forbid him from touching her.


Si Que suddenly remembered the tear at the corner of You Yuji’s eye from last night.


For the first time in nineteen years, Si Que felt foolish, and for the first time, he felt wretched.


He stood up and walked toward the inner room.


The inner room of the flower hall was a small, not very spacious room, used occasionally for resting. A narrow bed was placed under the window, and You Yuji was leaning against the headboard with her ankles crossed, flipping through the account book that had been brought in. These were the You family’s account books, and only the important entries were sent to her for review.


Seeing Si Que come in, You Yuji looked up and asked softly, “What is it?”


Si Que walked over to You Yuji, stopped beside her, and looked down at her without saying a word.


You Yuji noticed that Si Que’s sash was twisted. She put down the account book and slightly turned to adjust it for him. She looked up at Si Que and asked, “Is there something you want to tell me?”




“Yes,” You Yuji nodded gently.


Si Que sat down on the edge of the bed, gazing into You Yuji’s eyes. He slowly smiled and said, “Sister, can you hug me?”



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